Superbudget build help

11 Aug 2003
Taunton, Somerset
I haven't built a system for a few years so I'm a bit rusty on what worls well together.

My Father's Computer will not power on and unfortunately I don't have a spare psu to test. I think the time has come to upgrade anyway as the specs of his old machine were very old:
AMD Athlon II x4
4GB DDR 800
Nvidia gforce 8200

So I thought I'd get a psu and test but I suspect I will have to buid new. I have a Samsung 250GB ssd and a case. can you help with a new spec. Its not got to do anything demanding just windows 10, surfing the web and some basic office work.

Thanks in advance
Check out ebay for stuff like used Dell Optiplex PC's. I bought myself an Optiplex 9020 for £200 inc a 1080p screen with a 4th gen i5, 4GB RAM (I did upgrade it to 8GB) in a nice small form factor unit. I also added an SSD and it's a brilliant little machine.
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