Superflower 1300w

14 Apr 2009
Just thought I'd share this here.

Bought a Superflower 1300 3.5 years ago.

Oddly yesterday my machine started rebooting. It gradually got worse until the machine would just turn on and off and on and off and never reach bios. Left it a while and it would reach windows, the reboot...

I put the old graphics card back in, I recently bought one, and it was still doing it.

Tried my 9 year old bequite 750w and machine was fine. Then put the SF back in and it would start rebooting again. It would take perhaps 10mins...then reboot and time between reboots would decrease until it wouldn't post.

Bought a new one and rma'd the SF (all in store). Machine works fine with the new seasonic ultra.

I've never had a PSU fail on me, just glad it didn't take anything out with it.

Superflower are fantastic I know, but dissappointing all the same.
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So OCUK have rejected my RMA saying it has been tested for 48 hours under load.

I'm not sure where to go next. My old PSU and the one I've just bought are fine and PC runs normal, yet with my RMAd PSU my PC reboots under load.

I've made no recent changes to my machine other that a swop of graphics card.

Now I feel like I have a PSU that can't be trusted. Could my mobo have developed a fault that it doesn't like something about this particular PSU?
If PC works with other PSUs, but not with it, then there's certainly something going on in that particular PSU.

If it were Seasonic or other such PSU you could contact them (/their European division) directly, but SuperFlower doesn't have any own activity in Europe.
And you would likely have to sent it yourself all the way to Taiwan.
Assuming you could first actually get into contact with their support...

I'm thinking about making a video showing
connecting testing and disconnecting the PSUs and demoing the crash. And show that it fails. Then contact OCuk again. Thoughts?

Pretty dissappointing. 120£ at the time for 3.5 years and now just dropped 175 on a new one.
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