Supermarket folk, in ere.

Out of curiosity how much do team leaders, deputy store managers and store managers make? And what the hours like?

Shame that people are getting made redundant :(

In Sainsbury's team leaders used to get about 50p more per hour than regular workers, which in turn was about 10p more than minimum wage.

Back in 2005 department managers were on 16-18k, deputy managers mid to upper 20s and the store manager was on 30-35k (I think this varied based on the size of the store).
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Before I worked in consultancy I worked in senior store management for Tesco.

This is going back between 2004 to 2008, but back then it was as follows :

Department Manager = 18 to 25k
Senior Manager = 35 to 45k
Store Manager = 70k upwards

This was in the Extra format, so I am assuming that the normal superstore format would have slightly lower bandings for these roles.

The Metro format is a different entity altogether with a much smaller management team, the store manager in those topped out at around 40k.
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