
7 Jul 2009
Well i love it, one of the best show's on at the minute (even though it's technically not, but that's not important :p ). I think it's severely underrated and is easily the equal of House or Heroes. Does/did anybody else even watch it? I'm searching for the reason it never got back onto ITV1...

Still, for those of you who are interested i've heard that Series 6 is more or less confirmed.
They're doing a season 7? :confused:

I watched the first few episodes in S6 but I honestly don't know why they carried it on. The angel storyline had started to drag a little but they finished it off and should've walked away. The circumstances behind S6's beginning just seemed so stupid and I never really got back into it.

Trust me, it gets better.
I was concerned after the strong ending that Season 5 had, Season 6 didn't start out that well but it picked up by the end. So far Season 7 has been pretty good. I don't think it's a case of 'they should have left it there', but they definitely could have left it there.
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