SuperNature Ricky Gervais

Went to see Stewart Lee's Tornado/********* stand up a couple of weeks back, he does an extended bit on the concept of stand up comedians going on about not being able to talk about the controversial things they then go on spend an hour talking about, using Ricky Gervais as an prime example. I won't spoil it but it is a classic Lee routine which seems to go on forever. I am lucky enough to thoroughly enjoy Gervais as well, but Stewart Lee is the undisputed master. It's all tongue in cheek anyway to be honest.

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Yep I saw him a few weeks ago too, he just gets better with age.
The "Super Nature" part was a complete shoe in, as a set that was about 10% of it. It was all over the place and was a bit of a pix and mix of more of the same.

It filled an hour or so and I laughed a fair few times, he said naughty things your not meant to say and I came away feeling better about the world.
As the years go on, the more I appreciate his comedy. The show didn't disappoint and knew immediately that certain jokes would hit the headlines. He said what we're all thinking.
Brilliant, especially how God made AIDS.
I had to explain to my wife he was having a go at the people who say God made AIDS to kill the homosexuals.
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