Supreme commander artillery defence?

15 Jul 2006
Scenario - After playing MP matches, you have been unable to get near the enemies base despite many attempts! They've now managed to build the tech 3 artillery in their base and its hitting you every few seconds and each shot takes down you shield generators and pounds you. You were spending your time building attack units and they just dug in and didnt venture out.

The tech 3 artillery doesnt take long to build so is the only defence against artillery simply to build artillery too to attack theirs? Or what other methods do people do? Seems as soon as one person gets artillery the game is basically over which is a shame. I wish shield generators did more to help out but considering how cheap artillery is to build, whats the point in actually trying to attack or build nukes on a 5-10km map? May as well just dig in and build artillery :(

Anyone know of a mod to disable artillery or make it weaker as I'm sure some people love it, but considering you can defend against nukes and tactical missiles its a shame you cant do anything against artillery. Seems all you have to do really is dig in and build loads of tech 3 artillery :( Suppose thats why I like the large maps as tech 3 cant hit your base from their base. A mod would be nice though to make the game more "traditional"
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The omni sensor breaks stealth, etc so no point building stealth generators :( The UEF experimental artillery is insane but takes AAAAGES to build. Im talking about Tech 3 artillery which all races have and which just ruins smaller maps.

The game is really moddable so I'm hoping that someone releases a mod. The one thing I love about supcom is how easy it is to activate the mods in MP. The 2x Resource mod for example is sweet for making a quicker game! Its as simple as clicking "Mods" and choosing the mods you want. Roll on the "No artillery" mod for those of us who dont like it. I enjoy Human VS CPU so I cant tell the CPU not to build them :D

Tech 3 artillery pounds heavy shield generators. 2 shots and they go down. Seems the only solution at the mo though is to use maps larger than 10km. Was just wondering how people coped against art in the 5-10km ones
Suppose the only way on small maps is to build a tech 3 artillery too? Then when they start pounding you at least you can take theirs out :D I just dont like building them as I feel as it its cheating in some way just sitting in the base firing into theirs lol
Talking of mods I'm going to see if I can find the 3 sample ones that come with the game and see what modding them involves. At work at the moment so cant check, but are they just 3 files and you change values to suit? Cant find info on actually performing mods anywhere :(
theo said:
useing stealth to protect against artillery is still viable because the omnisensor has two ranges, one is the radar/sonar which is a range of 600somethings, and the actual omni sensory bit has a range of 200, which is far less than an t3 artillery
which means to break your stealth they have to have an omnisensor very close to your base which would be easy to destroy, either that or they have a t3 scout circling your base, which you can use some interceptors to stop easily

OMG if thats true then you are a life saver! I assumed that the omni sensor did the full un-stealth thing across its whole range! About to play a 4 player game now so will check out the two circle thingy!
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