Supreme commander: Which faction?

11 Jun 2005
Just wondering which is everyones prefered faction.. if this could be made into a poll with the following options that would be nice :)


I'm curious as to which race people favour... It appears that most ppl choose cybran, but after quite a few games, this may not be the case :o

Cheers mods!
I'm torn between UEF and Cybran, it depends on the map really. If its a large map I tend to go with UEF and make the most of the strong airforce, T4 Sub and Powerfull Arty, Cybran seem to perform better on smaller maps imo, had a great match using them on Sludge the other day!
i prefer aeon, their t3 arty is the most accurate, their navy is the best and t3 seige bots are awesome fun, but i try to play all of them evenly
I'm currently playing as the UEF. Quite enjoying the side atm. However, I do have a soft spot for the Cybran. This is the way I see it...

UEF = Good 'ol humans
Cybran = Nod (lol)
Aeon = Womanly, Pansy, Softies. :p "Come join us in The Way...." (/launch nuke. lol)
only played as the UEF and Crybran so far, completed the UEF campaign and about to start mission 5 on the Cybran. so far i prefer the UEF but thats in part down to the stoopid Cybran destroyer which when you tell it to go somewhere it might choose to walk on the land to get there and take a fortnight. love the UEF battleships :D also the UEF got slightly nerfed in the patch as the T3 gunships were way too powerful so they have been made more expensive and less powerful to balance it out a bit. the cybran experimentals i have yet to play with and then there is the whole Aeon thing to play :D we shall see.
VeNT said:
they all have their strengths and weaknesses
monkeylords > Fatboys

All depends on the situation. At long range, FB > ML At short range ML > FB. If its a big map a good player should have good intel as to whats infront of their army for a fair distance so they 'should' see the ML coming long before it gets in range. Allowing the FB to pound it. Stupid players lose the FB before they even realise its a ML attacking them hehe. But anyway, this aint the thread to discuss this.

I'm almost all the way through the UEF campaign and part of the way through the Cybran campaign but i havent played the Aeon much although their naval frigates deal a lot of damage :D
yeh my fatboy got beat by a monkeylord, but it was at close range before i spotted it lol. from everywhere i heard the fatboy owns just about anything so long as it is still at range.
Aeon Colussus is awsome. UEF for the win though as the tech 3 gunships just lay the smack down on experimental units. Monkey Lord is wicked, but you rarely get close enough to use them if the other player is good and has proper defence. I've managed to use it well a few times though on the island maps when the first thing they see is the monkeylord coming out of the water behind their island :D Most of the time however it dies before getting close :(

Fatboys are good for clearing defences as is loading up 4 or 5 transports with subcommanders and sending them into the enemy base :D
T3 gunships for the UEF got fixed in the latest patch (which you obviously have to use to play online) as they were too powerful and too cheap. so now they are weaker and more expensive.
the Cybrans have the strongest shields in the game because if you upgrad a T2 Cybran shield to the max (level 4) it is way beter than a UEF T3 shield and I think better than a Aeon T3 shield though I am not sure. The only annoying thing about them is they take an age to get to level 4.
Aracnid said:
the Cybrans have the strongest shields in the game because if you upgrad a T2 Cybran shield to the max (level 4) it is way beter than a UEF T3 shield and I think better than a Aeon T3 shield though I am not sure. The only annoying thing about them is they take an age to get to level 4.

You can upgrade tier 2 cybran shields? Is it just a case of you can't build the tier 3 ones from tech 3 engineers or am I just being a spanner? :p
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