Suzuki SFV 650 Gladius, any thoughts or experience?

I never thought I'd see bike snobs in this subforum.

Each to their own and everything. I really do not like the look of Ducati's, I think they are ugly bikes and I'd rather not ride than have one, but that doesn't mean others don't think they are the sexiest looking bikes and that's great as if we all liked the same things it'd be a drab world.

Preferring one bike over another makes someone a 'bike snob'? By that logic you're bike snob as well, and hypocritical about it.

I'm actually chuffed for the OP, that he's found a bike he likes. If I see him riding the other way I'll smile and nod to him, like every other biker. I still prefer the SV though.
Not at all, I'm talking about the language used that hints towards the view that a certain bike is inferior and not worth owning. I stated that I don't like Ducati's but understand that my view is my view and others have a different view and I'm glad of that. That has not been stated in some other peoples comments.
I still think the Gladius is an insult to the SV. No idea why they did it.
Also, whilst I'm moaning, bring back the SV1000!

I never thought I'd see bike snobs in this subforum.

Each to their own and everything. I really do not like the look of Ducati's, I think they are ugly bikes and I'd rather not ride than have one, but that doesn't mean others don't think they are the sexiest looking bikes and that's great as if we all liked the same things it'd be a drab world.

Sorry, that came across more brutal than i anticipated, i must've had a bad day :p (man period?)

I do really like the SV650 and SV1000. I think they look great, quite mean, sound lovely, capable handling and can be tweaked and modded nicely. I was looking for the 650 for a do-er-up-er project but now looking for an SV1000 (when settled in at the house). Love the bikes.

With the Gladius, i feel as though Suzuki created a cheap and comfortable first bike and IMO looks like a 125... nasty. They get good reviews, but it's not for me.

Though as said, it's all just opinion, i know others like them (they sell like crazy!).

Hope you enjoy the bike OP.
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