SVA test for the Westfield PASSED!

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Sigh, I give up - it's no use arguing against people that have never driven a 7'esque car.

What gives you the idea I have never driven one? I have driven a couple as it happens, the most recent being a Tiger Cat E1.

I am entertained by people wittering on about how the wheels will ruin the handling, I can only image they have never been in a car like this. It will go round corners quicker than than you can possible image.

It's not just about grip, it's about handling characteristics. Grip and handling are not the same thing.

But for road use I really dont see that smaller wheels will make any perceivable difference to the way it will drive.

They will definately make a difference. They'll make the car more predictable and progressive for a start, even if outright grip won't be improved by a huge amount.

Look, nobody is saying that the handling has been 'ruined', and of course it will still out-grip most things on the road. The point is, with smaller and lighter wheels it will be the best it could be, rather than simply good enough. Why build a lightweight performance kitcar then compromise the handling with heavy, oversized wheels?

Not to mention they look absolutely horrific.
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It's funny how no one on the Westfield Sports Car Club forums have said anything about the wheel, apart from a few saying it's cool to see a Westfield on 17's and the wheels suit it.

I think there is a serious attitude problem on this forum.
and the wheels suit it.

Size and weight aside, I'm amazed that anyone can think they suit the car. The style just doesn't fit in with that car atall.

I think there is a serious attitude problem on this forum.

Since when has people giving their opinion equated to 'having a serious attitude problem' :confused:

All we have done is given true and factual advice on the downsides of having such large and heavy wheels on a lightweight kit car, and stated that we don't like the looks of the wheels. That is not 'having an attitude problem'.

I personally like the frankness and difference of opinion on this forum, it makes a refreshing change from the usual **** sucking that is prevalent on single-marque forums.

If it's that kind of ego massaging that you are after then stick to the Westie forum.
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The wheels stay - they came with the donor car and the object of the build was tyo get it done as cheaply as possible.

This is the key point that many seem to have missed.

End of the day he just wanted to get it past the SVA. Now the *real* tinkering can begin. I'm sure once he's got some spare cash he'll think about upgrading the wheels...
This is the key point that many seem to have missed.

End of the day he just wanted to get it past the SVA. Now the *real* tinkering can begin. I'm sure once he's got some spare cash he'll think about upgrading the wheels...

I saw that point, and it would be a fair point if it were true. But this..........

Some good quality smaller alloy with some good rubber would be £500 - that's £500 I can spend on other stuff for the car :-) plus I want to show the car at some shows and the 17's fit in nicely for that kind of thing.

.......suggests that the wheels are not just a temporary thing.
I wouldnt worry what anyone thought. Its your car and at the end of the day you should do with it what you want. Heck, if we all wanted the same i would have got the same as you but i didnt and i cant mock you for your choice.

Problem is people want to knock you for what you have done because they would have done differently. Its abit like buying a ferrari in yellow, so many out their would say you have to have it in red but who cares apart from the one who owns it?

Like you have done, i like 17" on my indy, i tried 15" and 14" and i didnt like them and some of it was looks. If anyone out there is saying if you own a 7 type car you shouldnt care about looks then your being a little picky. Its like buying a 5 series BMW and me telling everyone who has one that they shouldnt care about performance because its a family car! i wouldnt dare to say it.

These cars arnt about lightness or even A1 handling, their about fun and im sure you know this. Those who think you need to use carbon fibre and 13" wheels have been reading to much and not driving. ;)
These cars arnt about lightness or even A1 handling, their about fun and im sure you know this.

Of course fun is the number one priority, but a car that has progressive and predictable handling is infinately more fun than one that is snappy.

That aside, it's not just the fact that they are 17s, it's mainly the style of the wheels. They just do not suit the car in any way. I'm sure there are some styles of wheels that look pretty good on a '7' even at 17", unfortunately the ones on Amigafan's don't.

But you are correct, at the end of the day other people's opinions don't matter if he is happy with them. But it would be a bit dull if no-one expressed their opinions wouldn't it?
Maybe he doesnt need A1 handling evey day he drives or can put up with lightness of a 7. Infact the EXACT reasons someone would not have 7?

I went out in a friends Super6 Tiger with carbed 2.0 Zetec, I'd want as much progession as possible, shortly after getting in said car we hit a lampost sideways. w00t
I am entertained by people wittering on about how the wheels will ruin the handling, I can only image they have never been in a car like this.


I am entertained by people who don't know what they are banging on about.

Lighter wheels = sharper turn in & general better feel.

When i changed my stock Mazda 15" Sport wheels to some TE37's the difference in steering and feel of the car was amazing, hardly a racing car but it made a huge diff to the car.
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