Swapping Over cases

23 Oct 2006
Newcastle, The Toon
Hi, Ive just bought my Lian Li PC7 and it'll be here on Tuesday but im wondering is there anything i should look out for while taking my hardware out and putting it in the new case? Kind of an Odd question but im just making sure as im pretty new to Pc building.

Ta, Ryan
Take your time. Move everything across, then double check you've got everything plugged in as you should(Triple check the power switch wires etc). But most importantly, have fun. If its stressing you out then walk away and come back to it later.
Take your time and " ground " yourself ( hold onto a radiator ) before .

Do it on a table not the carpet.

Static can be a pita , from experience.

Good Luck :D
If you have another PC with net connection add me to MSN or drop me an email and I will be happy to help if you get stuck.

Just ask if unsure, golden rule.

Nothing taxing, take pictures of how it was all plugged in if you think it will help, with computers things only ever plug into the correct other thin these days anyway. :p
Grounding is very very very important. If you want to be 100% safe/etc , backup what you can loose (i.e. docs, music, e-mails, etc).

My 2-cents are, have loads of room to work & maneuver around & time is crucial! Don't do it if you have to do something else, etc ;)

Oh & turn on the kettle :D
I take pics with my digi cam and print them out. I also do little diagrams on paper of connections etc
I then read everyting i can find relevent to the job.
Main thing is to take your time and make sure you get rid of any static.
Imo, along with grounding - chill out is one of the most important things, do slow - if you start getting frustrated.. sweaty palms and such just leave it for a half hour - because this is when you end up slipping with a screw driver and damaging components..or worse yourself (yes i have done this, and i have a nice big juicy scar on my finger where i cut an artery.. joy)
hi guys thanks for the responces. Static was one of my main worrys and also "sweaty" hands. My hands sweat a lot so would surgical gloves reduce the chance of damaging any of the hardware? I dont have a problem with the cables and leads as my PSU is all modular and i can do that step by step. but ive decided to write out a plan on what im to do, Please correct me if you have a better solution.

1.Discconect all cables.
2.Take PSU and Cables out.
3.Take HD's and Drives out.
4.Take out all PCI/PCI-E cards out.
5.Unscrew mobo and take out (with CPU/HSF/Memory attached)

Lay all out of anti-static bags.

2.Mobo (CPU/HSF/MEM) and Screw inplace
3.HD and Drives
4.PCI Cards
5.connect all Cables and boot.

sound alright? Hopefully this goes error free but like always something will go wrong for me.

Ta, Ryan
2.Mobo (CPU/HSF/MEM) and Screw inplace
3.HD and Drives
4.PCI Cards
5.connect all Cables and boot.

personaly, i would do the motherboard before the psu and do the psu last

but other than thatl ooks good mate :)

and same offer as yewen made, feel free to add me on msn if you need help - or if its not possible to have a machine running msn more than welcoem to get my number and give me a ring
yeah mate, i have another pc which ill be able to hook up downstairs as i think its best to do in the kitchen as theres more space to work.
kitchen table probably your best bet cause most likely you will have stone or tile flooring....keep it safe boss
and i don't know about you but i have very few electronic items near my table.....nice and safe, plus close to the fridge, it's all good ;)
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My PC7+ arrived about 10 minutes ago so i am looking forward to the rebuild. also i never noticed the mesh at the bottom left hand corner of the side panel. but anyways wish me luck!!! :D
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The pc7 i bought last month had a full perspex window, the one i bought i few days ago had the mesh!! , pot luck i reckon :rolleyes:
lol yep..well ive finished the build and i have to say what a noisy case!, its like a tornado is in my room. those 120mm Fans do pack a punch tho as my mobo has dropped by 15c in temperature but i have a problem with the I/O sheild i think its called as it wudnt fit so i just left it out..hope thats not going to be a problem?
We have a saying round these parts.
" If you cannot hear your fans then you haven't clocked your system enouth "
Use the added cooling to clock the bejesus out of your system :)
I swapped out the stock fans in both pc7`s, one for those coolink 120`s,and the other i used Akasa Ambers.The Lian Li ones did seem to be on the loud side.
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