Swedish minister in 'racist cake' controversy

I don't really understand the question. The artist was making a statement about race as well as societal structures and FGM. As to whether that is a racist thing to do or not is a matter of personal opinion.

However, what is certain is that it was a cruel thing to do to ask her to cut up the cake. If she agreed [which she did], she is called racist. If she disagreed, she would probably be called racist as well for interpreting the action as being race-related.

And of course, black people can be racist towards whites as well as being xenophobic towards other blacks [e.g. Nigerians and Jamaicans have a history of rivalry].

Now, what would have happened if she had been black? It probably would have been even worse, since a lot of FGM is black to black.

The whole situation is summed up perfectly in the quote above:

"I was invited to speak at World Art Day about the freedom of art and the right to be provocative, and then they asked me to cut up the cake."

In short, that's what the whole thing was. A provocative art installation that went too far and nearly ended up with someone losing their job. But hey, the artist made a name for himself out of it.

The artist behind the cake, Makode Linde, who is black but was born in Stockholm, said the work had been misunderstood.
She’s referring to you.
I actually think its hilarious.

I do have a weird taste in art and to have his/her, the artists own head, incorporated into the piece, there screaming as they cut the cake loooooool.
That is a pretty good art instillation by my terrible measure.

If you wanna buy more of his art, which again is actually striking lol....

dang i bet hes actually gonna make a few Krona out of this BS
I know it's old, it's just one of the stories doing the rounds as part of #Swedengate on Twitter.


Utterly laughable that this was cited as an example of racism.
so you knew the story you posted was 10 years old??
I noticed that hashtag on Twitter. I saw it was 10 years old.

But even reading the story I don't know why the minister was being asked to stand down, it wasn't her cake.

The typical race grifters jumped on it, even though the artist of the cake is Black.

The part they are complaining about is the reason for the cake in the first place i.e. being against illegal circumcision.
I'll stick with a nice Battenberg, and give that black pudding cross confectionery abortion a miss I think. That's gotta be the most damned ugly, unappetising creation I have seen in years. Not expecting to see one on the shelf in Tesco anytime soon.... :)

I am not sure of it's relevance to FGM, but it's certainly pastry mutilation. To paraphrase Richard Harris, put the damned cake out in the rain.
Just shown the photo of the cake to the wife and the first thing she asked is "Is it voodoo?"

And a customer here thought it perhaps an unflattering effigy of one of a well known sister pairing of tennis players, so no immediate FGM correlation I'm afraid... Neither thought it could actually be a cake, either, but such is the state of modern art.
Just shown the photo of the cake to the wife and the first thing she asked is "Is it voodoo?"

And a customer here thought it perhaps an unflattering effigy of one of a well known sister pairing of tennis players, so no immediate FGM correlation I'm afraid... Neither thought it could actually be a cake, either, but such is the state of modern art.
Your wife thought a cake was a graphics card?
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