I'm mulling over a new build. I built my current machine around the end of 2010 iirc and while it does most of the things I require of it, I've just got that itch to start again.
So slightly random question in what machine would I come up with if I cherry picked all the "sweet-spot" price vs performance components? As a starter CPU wise the Ryzen 1700 looks about the best bang for buck, (or is it?) but what else jumps out as the pick of the bunch component wise. For now being able to use my current monitor (1920X1080)with everything at high quality for gaming would be sufficient unless there are some cheap monitors to be had.
So first piece of the jigsaw
So slightly random question in what machine would I come up with if I cherry picked all the "sweet-spot" price vs performance components? As a starter CPU wise the Ryzen 1700 looks about the best bang for buck, (or is it?) but what else jumps out as the pick of the bunch component wise. For now being able to use my current monitor (1920X1080)with everything at high quality for gaming would be sufficient unless there are some cheap monitors to be had.
So first piece of the jigsaw