Switching to Canon

As far as I'm concerned, shooting with a 35 + 85 on high resolution camera's (36mp) is like shooting with a 35-50mm F1.4/F2 zoom and a 85-135mm F1.4/F2 zoom. I then use the 24-85VR for wide angle + Panning. That's allot of control imo.

I agree but some people here will argue against that. I've posited before that a high resolution sensor can afford you increased cropping potentially so if you are caught short with a prime then you have a fallback and increased flexibility for framing in post. However if you did have a 135mm lens and wanted to go much wider the high resolution doesn't help.

Anyway, i'm not against primes, I see the positive and enjoy using them. But when people say zoom with your feet they are missing a big piece of the puzzle, you ideally want to control BOTH position AND focal length . E.g. if you need to frame wider you could step back but that might let other distracting elements (other people) get in the way where as a wider focal length lets you get closer, avoid distracting foreground elements but still capture enough of he scene (e.g. group of people). The inverse is equally true, for a H&S portrait you could walk closer but that will increase distortion and add more background fuss with harsher bokeh, instead a more distant shot with a longer focal length can better isolate the subject and give more pleasing bokeh (which you may or may not like as alluded to earlier).

I've shot a few events over the last months and I've been happy with a Zoom and a prime on 2 bodies, getting the best of both.
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