Swole Wars: A Gain Awakens - a MoNkeE log

Today with took holy communion in the chapel of arms.
BW 12
10kg 10
15kg 10
20kg 10/10/10/10
15kg 10
10kg 10

Cable Rope Pull Down / Rope OH Ext
23kg / 14kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

Lying French Press / CGBP
20kg / 20kg
8 / 12
8 / 12
8 / 12
8 / 12

BB Curlz
35kg 10/10/10/10

DB Curlz
10kg 10/10/10
Surely you can add weight on your pull ups? Or you aiming for more reps first?

And complaining about OHP when you press 2/3 of BW for 5x5 :/
I weigh upwards of 90kg and I was knackered after my deadlifts, cut me some slack bro :p plus this are full dead hang pull ups, no girly half reps.

I suppose the disappointment with OHP is after doing 34kg DB press for 3 sets of 8, I expected more doing 5 reps. But of course the movements are different, the barbell goes deeper and pushedore from the front deltas, so I think my expectations were a little high.
Another Friday, another Shoulder day. Went pretty well this time.

20kg 12
60kg 8
67.5kg 5/5/5/5/5

BTN Press
40kg 12/12/12

BB Front Raise / DB Reverse Flyes
25kg / 12kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

BB Front Raise
25kg / 10kg
8 / 12
8 / 12

Face Pulls
36kg 10/10/10/10
Thanks, it all felt like it came together last week. Not a great nights sleep last night so Chest will be interesting today.
Chest today. Went better than I was fearing :)
DB Bench
22kg 15
32kg 10
44kg 5/5/5/5/5

Incline Bench
60kg 10/10/10

Cable Crossovers
18kg 12
23kg 12
27kg 12

Upwards Crossovers
14kg 10/10/10

Converging Chest Press
45kg / 32kg
12 / 12
12 / 12

10kg 8/8/8

30kg 12/12/12
I miscounted today, so my 160kg Deadlift ended up being 170kg. So I did 5 sets of 3 instead of 5 sets of 5. I've also pulled my right trap slightly and not slept much this week, so I'm happy overall!

70kg 8
120kg 5
170kg 3/3/3/3/3
200kg 1

Pull Ups
BW 6/6/6/6

Machine Row
35kg 12/12/12/12

Straight Arm Push Down (short stack)
21.6kg 10/10/10

BB Curlz
30kg 12/12/12

DB Curlz
10kg 10/10

Cable Bicep Flex
14kg 10/10
The first rep was tough so it wasn't that casual, and it reduced my overall volume! The 200kg wasn't that pretty either, but after 5 sets of 3 I'm not too unhappy about that.
I HAVE THE POWERRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Fun arm day today.

BW 12
10kg 10
20kg 10
26kg 10/10/10/10
20kg 10
10kg 10

Cable Rope Pull Down / Rope OH Ext
23kg / 14kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

Lying French Press / CGBP
20kg / 20kg
8 / 12
8 / 12
8 / 12

BB Curlz
35kg 10/10/10/10

Rope Bicep Curlz
32kg / 23kg / 14kg
10 / 10 / 10
10 / 10 / 10

Bicep Cable Flex
14kg 10/10/10
God bless shoulders. Absolutely gutted I missed the very last rep!

20kg 15
60kg 8
70kg 5/5/5/5/4

BTN Press
40kg 12/12/12

BB Front Raise / DB Reverse Flyes
25kg / 12kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Face Pulls
41kg 12/12/12/12

BB Front Raise / BB Single Arm Raise
20kg / 10kg
8 / 8
8 / 8
Dat chest volume tho.

DB Press
22kg 15
32kg 10
46kg 5/5/5/5/3

Incline BB Press
60kg 10/10/10/10

Cable Flyes
23kg 12/12/12

Cable Upwards Flyes
14kg 10/10/10

Converging Chest Press
52kg / 39kg
12 / 12
12 / 12

10kg 8/8

30kg 12/12/12

Cable Rope Push Down / OH Ext
23kg / 14kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
New year, new me. #yolo

Goals... wanting to look handsome and lift more than your average joe.

Natty status: error.

Current weight: 95kg-ish

Current Deadlift: 210kg
Current Bench Press: 110kg
Current Squat: error.

Additional goals: work on serious leg rehabilitation to re-enable the training of legs. This will consist of leg rolling, stretching of hips, posterior chain and focus on IT bands.

Goals that I'll never complete: introduce more cardio in to my workouts.

The last I saw you looked like Karl Urban... Got a Dredd outfit?
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