SWTOR - anyone still playing?

Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
I notice the original thread hasn't been posted in for a year, so it's down in the archives.

Is anyone playing this still? I resubbed for the Revan expansion and I'm enjoying it again.
I won a 60 day game code randomlly...have added it but not really had a chance to play it. The EU servers seem completely dead.
I'm starting it back up again this week (Was playing with my mate, but he was in America for 6 months for Uni, so we had a hiatus, he's back now.)
What kind of experience will I have if I own the game but don't sub?

Looking at the website it seems its too restricted to be any fun.
Yeah the restrictions killed it for me, i got an email telling me its free to play so i thought ide download and give it a shot, but it just seemed a bit naff. Shame was a really fun game when it first came out, great story line and that deathball pvp arena was great fun to play with mates.
Every so often I buy a time card and play for a few weeks, before realising it's not nearly as fun as I remember :(

Don't even bother trying to play the F2P version, it's laughable how restricted it is.
Agreed its a a crappy f2p model, but the games not bad I played it quite a lot the last 4 months but took a break about 3 weeks go.
Wanted to play this with a mate but he didnt want to play in the end so i never played past a few tutorial missions. Would have liked to see the story of the game to see if it matched the single player games.
EA implemented the worst kind of F2P model. This game could have and should have been massive. A star wars licence should be a licence to print money in the MMO world, but thus far the 2 offering we have had over 10 years have been butchered. SWG got raped up the bottom by SOE and EA have pretty much done the same thing to SWTOR.

One day we will get a grand Star Wars themed MMO, but this one is certainly not it.
EA implemented the worst kind of F2P model. This game could have and should have been massive. A star wars licence should be a licence to print money in the MMO world, but thus far the 2 offering we have had over 10 years have been butchered. SWG got raped up the bottom by SOE and EA have pretty much done the same thing to SWTOR.

One day we will get a grand Star Wars themed MMO, but this one is certainly not it.

Lack of end game content and overselling the reroll content they made. The constant upgrade cycle that you must maintain in a MMO meant they needed to pump out content faster then they could produce it due to the fully voiced aspect of the game.

Problem is that now you haven't had much in the way of real content since it launched. The 2 expansions have been minor at best and the new raids/dungeons are not even worth the time and effort.

Your right, it should have been huge. But releasing a unfinished product, telling the community how to play and offering very little in return for your sub is what destroyed it.

Now its just a milking machine for EA, gambling hidden in the face of the consumer.
EA implemented the worst kind of F2P model. This game could have and should have been massive. A star wars licence should be a licence to print money in the MMO world, but thus far the 2 offering we have had over 10 years have been butchered. SWG got raped up the bottom by SOE and EA have pretty much done the same thing to SWTOR.

One day we will get a grand Star Wars themed MMO, but this one is certainly not it.

It was massively overhyped before release, and on release day the game mechanically was a big mess (which is a massive shame, cos the cinematic trailer for the game was amazing). Something to do with input lag / terrible attack animations which dealt damage at the end of the long winded animation instead of the start, leaving it feeling extremely clunky compared to ur average MMO.

Took a long time to get fixed, by which time all paying customers were long gone (back to WoW lol), so they had to move to F2P model to get people back into it. They gotta try and get as many people to sub as possible to recover the massive development cost of the game, so the F2P experience was never going to be amazing, more a chance to try the game out before you decide if it is worth the $$ or not.
Main problem I always had with it was you never felt like you were in SW universe, just playing through a SP game with a hundred other people trying to do it at the same time. I even tried getting back into SWG!

Might give it another go at some point, see whats changed.
I don't get the hate for what you get for being able to play for free, compared to other f2p games I'd say it's pretty lenient, at least last I checked.

You could just pay 1 months sub and avoid all of it of course.
I want to play, quit ages ago but none of my friends will and I'm too busy :(
I played it for 200 hours before I managed to admit to myself that I had been wasting my time with it. I had been continually playing it expecting it to get better, but it never did. I remember being on Coruscant thinking this is excellent, cant wait to see more. Some 150 hours later I realised that, that moment on Coruscant had actually been the high point of my entire experience.

I want the 200 hours of my life back please.
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