System of a Down

13 May 2003
I'm slightly embarassed to say this, but I'm 26 and still love putting a SOAD CD into my car stereo and turning it up really loud (and maybe even singing along :o). Does anyone still listen to SOAD? I play Toxicity and Steal This Album quite a lot still.

Particular favourites are Ego Brain and ATWA.
SOAD suddenly became uber-cool again about a year ago during the Mezmerize/Hyptonize period so I imagine there will be a lot of fans out there. I would be one of them
I used to listen to them while playing BF2 so now they always remind me of that game :)

I don't really listen to them that much any more though.
Oops sorry about the wrong forum thing.

As with many things there will be lovers and haters, and at the moment, I'm a lover. Haven't heard the latest albums, just dug the above two out of the cupboard.
I like them. Kind of lost interest in them a bit recently. I really like Mesmerize, but didn't like Hypnotize that much.

p.s. I saw them live too. It was mental :D
Can someone with the power please move this to the music section otherwise more than half the replies will be repeating what divine_madness already pointed out :p

PS Jesus this forum section has to be the busiest in the whole place!
Robbie G said:
I'm slightly embarassed to say this, but I'm 26 .

What a baby.
I'm 49 and tonight I ran home to the Mesmerize album.
I can honestly say that all the SOAD albums are easily my favourites when I'm running.


And - my lead guitarist is 58 and they're his favourite band.
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