System of a Down

The first album (self titled) is a classic, Toxicity and Steal this Album aren't bad but the later stuff isn't really up to snuff
Quirky, melodic, fast, powerful, distinctive, passionate, of above average intelligence - what's not to like?

Oh yeah - "Loneliest Day". Possibly the worst song professionally produced in the last ten years. We'll not mention that, eh?
Will_3rd said:
The first album (self titled) is a classic, Toxicity and Steal this Album aren't bad but the later stuff isn't really up to snuff

I agree although mesmerize was a pleasant surprize some really decent tracks on there.

edit 25 here btw
Steal This Album is actually my favourite SOAD album. I just find it a bit more interesting than some of the stuff of the others, which tend to have occasional iffy "bit of shouting not much melody oh done" track on them.
Will_3rd said:
The first album (self titled) is a classic, Toxicity and Steal this Album aren't bad but the later stuff isn't really up to snuff

For me (and the reason why I love them) is that they haven't changed at all.
They are The Ramones for a new generation and haven't altered what they do.
I got my hands on a lot of live, rare and unreleased tracks and there were quite a few that didn't follow the SOAD pattern but thats obviously why they didn't end up on albums.
I wish I could find the Penski Guide To System Of A Down because it was quite comical but true.
A5H said:
At rehearsals:

"Dammit, guys, I'm sorry... I just can't concentrate on singing and play the bass at the same time. We're just going to have to get ourselves a vocalist."

"Oh, Tarquin, my dear, sweet, gentle and alarmingly hirsute friend! Wallow not in your despondency, for I have an inventive notion that will permit you to be stalwart yeoman of the bottom end AND allow you to express the paeans to creatures of the riverbank for which you are rightly lauded. Try this..."
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always happy to help:

to make a system of a down song, simply rearrange the chord sequences and lyrical ideas into the following order:

loud bit
quiet bit
loud bit
quiet bit
loud bit
soaring bit
loud bit

for variation, add another quiet bit and loud bit to the end.

produce, release, get rich.

SoaD fan here, i'm afraid.

my first gig, aged 15, 6 years ago, and I still haven't outgrown them!

Serj has an awesome voice and the songs ARE catchy (if formulaic...)
what is there to not like?

rgzcampbell said:
I agree although mesmerize was a pleasant surprize some really decent tracks on there.

edit 25 here btw

yeah thinking about it the first 5-7 tracks on mezmerize aren't bad, listened to some today actually.

dmpoole said:
For me (and the reason why I love them) is that they haven't changed at all.
They are The Ramones for a new generation and haven't altered what they do.
I got my hands on a lot of live, rare and unreleased tracks and there were quite a few that didn't follow the SOAD pattern but that's obviously why they didn't end up on albums.
I wish I could find the Penski Guide To System Of A Down because it was quite comical but true.

Ramones eh? interesting comparison, but they have changed a bit they aren't as crazy anymore as on the first album they've kind of mellowed out on the last two albums but still rock occasionally.

Have to agree with the above "Lonely Day" was awful :o
james.miller said:
love 'em. fantastic live

One of the musically best bands I've seen live (although possibly not the best show). When they did Spiders at Ozzfest a few years back, I nearly cried, I was right at the front and it was the most moving thing I'd ever heard.

I'm 21, and I sing along like a ******* loon. SYSTEM OF A DOWN!
Chop Suey for random shouty goodness...
FATHER! (Father) FATHER! (Father)
Will_3rd said:
The first album (self titled) is a classic, Toxicity and Steal this Album aren't bad but the later stuff isn't really up to snuff

first album for the win!

been listening to them since 1998. good bands are good bands. doesnt matter how old you are.
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