T.I. vs T.I.P.

lupe fiacso, t.i., ya boy, gunit, chamillionaire, juelz santana

i could go on all day

even john cena, better than anyone u say rofl
yaboy said:
lupe fiacso, t.i., ya boy, gunit, chamillionaire, juelz santana

i could go on all day

even john cena, better than anyone u say rofl

So you listen to bland mainstream american rap? Wow, you certainly know your hip-hop well.

There's a lot more to hip-hop than gangster rap and dirty south rubbish.

Give me Sage Francis, Aesop Rock, Madlib, Edan, Doseone or El-P over that lot any day.
yaboy said:
lupe fiacso, t.i., ya boy, gunit, chamillionaire, juelz santana

i could go on all day

even john cena, better than anyone u say rofl

Hang on a second... I thought we were talking about hip hop?

You appear to think that third-rate grillz-n-bitches tripe is hip hop.

Oh, how mistaken you are.

Listen to Carzy. Listen to me. Go and listen to the artists which we are recommending.

This is the fundemental difference between you and I. You slated my suggestions without knowing who they are; the sign of an idiot. I would actually bet a hundred sterling that you haven't heard of them. On the offchance that you have, I'll go double or nothing to say you will never have heard of two of them.

I have had the misfortune to have heard a lot of stuff by your list and it is all without merit.

It is lowest-common-denominator, unit shifting crap.

But then again, what would someone who uses text speak and punctuates with acronyms (which always reads to me as being as sad as someone who laughs at their own feeble jokes in person) know about the nuances of flow and beat which only truly great hip hop posesses?


i dont know what is more apparent, the fact that this screen is emmiting light or the ignorance of some people in this thread

and for the last time...this mainstream rap IS NOT gangster rap

and another thing, even if you dont like the music, please respect it and if you still dont respect it please write a reasonable post saying why...
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