Tag Mclaren.

Why would I do that when I know this right **** who I can get to do it for me?


Hilariously I DO want you to print something for me. For this. What I can't do atm is spend that sort of money on one piece. I just paid for the 6950XT in the TV rig, and next month I have to pay for my holiday. Which is coming around fast !!!

But aye, one of these please.


One in black, that a gorilla hasn't had his way with.


That was encased in duct tape when it arrived :(

Edit in. Let me explain better. It doesn't need to be anywhere near that elaborate with the curves and stuff. Just angled back, with three LED sized holes in the bottom.
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F off.

I would need lessons in that. Like, proper ones. Why do you think I haven't bought a printer dude?

I was going to say "It will be a winter thing" and it will. I am too OCD and ADHD to be learning how to do crap like that in summer. You know how it goes? bikes, more bikes and yeah maybe something like this but not learning 3D overnight.

I don't need any holes in it. I can drill those myself.
OK, so the machine is all ready for the job tomorrow.


Still had loads of the double sided masking tape thank goodness. Annoyingly? I also found this.


Annoying because I just bought the exact same, yet not annoying because it means I can machine out the tinted cover for the screen.
Flash Harry !

I know dude. Believe me I know. Like I said, if I had the knowledge? oh yeah absolutely I would have a machine. Problem is I don't, and unlike learning how to put things into Easel? I just get wound up. Mostly because I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.

I know that what I need needs to be shallower than the original. It took up quite a chunk of space. It also needs to be solid in those holes like, so I can drill in LEDs. There is no board to hold them in any more.

I will do a knock up with measurements at some point. It also doesn't need the big stick out area. That was so it could bolt to the board that isn't there any more. It just needs the two holes at the side to screw into the front panel.

But yeah, I really can't even try and learn that sort of thing when the weather is even resembling good. My bum is far too itchy for that !

I am looking forward to running the machine again tomorrow though. Last time I used it I was just trying to avoid reality at the time. Though that said it will probably be on 10 seconds, mum will holler up the stairs and it will just be miserable just like last time :D
Yeah I am getting the badge back. I bought that for it. I forgot to remove it, and it has been in Dorset ever since lol.

My mate who has it is coming down soon. Like, within a couple of weeks. I have some gear here for the LAN night they do down there so we're going to sort it then.
I have no idea what that is (but its very retro) and Mrs P would say the same about the washing machine

I found the chassis NOS. Yeah, proper 90s fodder. Extremely heavy too ! I modded it hard. Caravan vents in the top and side, with 4 120mm fans. Currently have an Ivy I5 in there with 16gb RAM and 12 SSDs. I gave it modern manners :D It kinda reminded me of an NES, so I just themed it on that.
Right. Held up today. Before I run the machine.... I bought 100 of these.


I ordered an A3 sheet of 3mm matt black acrylic too. Oh, and 100ft of black braid. The orange is already on its way.

The HDMI cable is not long enough. That was my fault, I really should have had a plan and measured it properly before ordering. Lesson learned...

I also got this.


Remember when people did that? aye, me too /old. Sadly I could not find a 24 pin, so I will need to cut off the 4 pins in black and put it in next to it. However, it gave me an idea. 4 orange wires in the black part, and black in the orange. Should look dope. I *think* I have some orange molex connectors at my flat. I broke this down after the case got broken in transit.


So there may be one in there. IDK.

Right, off to play CNC, wish me luck !
OK that is done. Not the best, I could have calibrated the bit better (didn't go as deep as I wanted) but I will take it. Needs some file work, will crack that out later and get a pic.

Given the board does not have WIFI M2 I got this.


I just wanted a USB one with a proper antenna socket. I then ordered this.


So I can put a socket on the back of the unit.
Actually you can see it wasn't my fault. Both ends? are fine. The acrylic is clearly p1553d.


Either way? it is more than good enough. Will file it up and clean it later.
Finished the IO cover and the power button.


IO needs more cleaning, traps things like you wouldn't believe.

I used Kwik JB. It sort of sets in 5 mins, but takes 24 hours to fully harden. Once it has I will put the front panel back on properly and then glue the power button onto the carrier there.
My original DVD player showed the same Tag logo as this before going onto software version and disc information.

What you have looks excellent and unless you come across someone else who has owned this equipment before then nobody will ever know

I'm no doing it again lol. That was really fiddly and frustrating ! plus it was a one shot deal. It would destroy the blue bit trying to remove it. I'm more than happy with it tbh.
Right so last update for today. Tired now lol.

I first designed the floor panel. This is what the PSU and mobo will mount to, as well as the fan hub and so on.


I also finished the power button.


I wasn't going to put that brace bar back but I had to. Because it holds this up.


That will all be getting painted satin black, but obviously not until everything has all been test fitted and so on. Otherwise I will be chasing my tail every time I scratch it.
I hope so.

I'm going to avoid ethernet tbh. Just go with wifi.

Oh yeah. I also pinged all of the buttons earlier with a multimeter on the back of the fp board. They all seem to work fine. I now know where to solder the wires on too, so I can do that at a later date. Am hoping I can get the "screen" into that board tomorrow. Amazing the things I bought for the last project that were left over. Like the ATX pins I already had but forgot about :D oh well, more the merrier. I should also be able to play with the DVD drive tomorrow, as it should arrive then. What is concerning me a wee bit is the CNC lump that goes on it is machined out. The DVD drive I bought will be flat when closed, so I may need to machine a plate that it can stick to, and then stick to the front of the drive. Or, I will see how much clearance I get by removing the front of the drive (but obs not the tray front). That may get me over the line, but I am not adverse to more machining. The board tray will take about 2 hours, so that will be done when I come back. Need to leave on Thurs, have a lot to do at home.

The power button, I thought, would be a nightmare. Got really lucky on that.

Tell you what else is funny. When I designed the IO cover I counted the lines in the CD tray front cover. 13. "Hmm, should I jinx myself?". Seems I did. I carved 13 lines, then the OCUK order turned up and was wrong :D

I knew I should have gone 12......
Added this to my watch list. Came up with a discount, £6.


Now I wonder if the remote sensor can be desoldered onto the original? Time will tell.

The HDMI socket came, and slots in perfectly. I really can't believe that, it is exactly the right size so no hacking needed. DVD is here too, and the orange braid. Will crack on in a bit. I also realised modern drives are nowhere near as deep as old ones, so I will machine the plate for the tray. Saves taking it apart and removing that.
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