Tagan seems to be ticking.. Faulty?

1 Jun 2005
Hi, having just spent days troubleshooting my HDD because it seemed to be making an unholy racket I've just realised that it's actually more likely to be the power supply (Tagan 530W Easycon modular). It sounds exactly like a noisy, overworked HDD and the noise increases as I up the voltages to overclock, does this sound like typical behaviour for a PSU problem?

I just want to make sure that this is the same sort of ticking I've heard described by others with Tagan problems before I set about RMA-ing it.

Cheers :)
11 Jan 2004
In The Wilds.
Sounds like it mate,there was a big hoo hah a while back with the tagan 480 unit,and many complaints of a ticking sound coming from within,apparently it's something to do with the active PFC and doesn't necessarily mean the unit is faulty as such.

I thought they had eliminated the problem with later models,obviously not! probably best to rma it,if it's getting on your nerves.

I'd hate it mate,I can't even stand the tick of a clock,we used to have an old grandfather clock in the family house as kids,visitors would always remark "Oh how quaint!" For years I just wanted to smash the tick tocking thing to pieces,it was a bit of a family heirloom though so I restrained myself,the folks have still got it and whenever I visit I still get the urge to chuck it over the balcony! One day i'll 'ave it:D

A ticking Tagan just isn't on,get rid of it mate. ;)
1 Jun 2005
Ah well, I've read they're pretty good with RMAs. Mostly it just sounds like it's ticking over but it gets up to quite a loud, speedy grind sometimes.. I've got tinnitus so you'd think I'd be used to annoying noises, but I can't hack this one :p

Cheers for pushing me in the right direction :)
4 Sep 2006
i know this is fairly late in the topic, but ive just this second sent my tagan 530 easycon back to ocuk, cus mine was ticking to, even when the pc wasnt turned on it did it, when it was on, jesus, even louder, lol

to be fair though, the rest of my order, 4 silent case fans and the accellero for my 7800 gt have silenced things, but with 4 case fans i dont think im ever really going to hear the benefit of a silent power unit, so ive gone back to my old one...getting a refund on the tagan...

it happens
30 May 2006
Emp.Man said:
Hi, having just spent days troubleshooting my HDD because it seemed to be making an unholy racket I've just realised that it's actually more likely to be the power supply (Tagan 530W Easycon modular). It sounds exactly like a noisy, overworked HDD and the noise increases as I up the voltages to overclock, does this sound like typical behaviour for a PSU problem?

I just want to make sure that this is the same sort of ticking I've heard described by others with Tagan problems before I set about RMA-ing it.

Cheers :)

I have the same problem :eek:

I got the 580W and the damn thing won't stop ticking :mad: sure I have an overclocked system with upped voltages . If that isn't considered a fault what's a the point of RMA it? They will just send it back to you, no?

It drives me nuts :mad: and it's only 2 months old

Can RMA it and pay a bit more to get a different model? maybe the new dual engine ones won't have the same issue
12 Aug 2006
Hmmm I didn't realise this ticking was such a common problem. It does not bother me as such although I emailed those ppl at nanopoint.co.uk a few months ago and some guy emailed back saying it was probably the active pfc and that I should really send it there to get it checked out. At the time I didn't bother (because it didn't annoy me tbh) but since I'm getting a new Tagan unit (this current one doesn't cut the mustard with an 8800GTX and the rest of it alas) I've decided to send the old unit to nanopoint to get it checked out. It'll do as a backup PSU should things go pear shaped with this new 800w dual engine one. :eek:
14 Nov 2006
Tagan 800-U25 800W CA-015-TG Clicking

Just sent mine back RMA as it provides no power, just clicks away.

Glad to find I'm not the only one.

I hope to get a working one back cause it is rated as being very quiet.
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