Take the Uni of Teeside - History of Games test

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
Idiot: "Hi prospective employer i have a degree in computer games history"

Employer: "The chips are over there, you'll find the Big Mac's and other burgers dispensed there."

Well i took the test (not for real) and i think i did quite well.


Edit: Ok its not a degree mearly a module, still....
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yeah saw this the other day, bit of a joke

complete waste of money to take that degree, i understand that is only one module but really, its seems like such a waste of something to do

why will an employer care if i can identify Doom from a screenshot
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oi! I do computer games at portsmouth, don't take the **** out of one the most fun degrees there is around. Bet you're doing some boring course. ;)

I don't care if you get paid more at the end of the day, I had fun at Uni, and not just at night!

Maniac618 said:
oi! I do computer games at portsmouth, don't take the **** out of one the most fun degrees there is around. Bet you're doing some boring course. ;)

I don't care if you get paid more at the end of the day, I had fun at Uni, and not just at night!


I was thinking of doing a computer games masters, but i couldn't be bothered. Anyway most of the time you need more than just a degree to get into the games industry, i should know. :)
I go to portsmouth Uni and people doing comp games design say it blows and isn't relevent enough.

Anyhow, you have to realise most courses at Uni are a joke - a distinct lack of any practical experience/useful stuff.
Well after taking a look at that my conclusion is: laughable. Section B was a joke, Section A however required some thinking and provided some good discussion questions.
What a joke

Section A was very, very easy

Section B was even worse - just a series of multiple choice questions with the answers handed to you on a plate

They should see what I get asked on my Computer Graphics module in my Computer Systems Engineering degree.
Section B had a question on what the NES was called in Japan. Another Section B question went on to give you the answer ("What was the first videogame console to have a joystick?") one of the answers being "d) Nintendo Famicom (NES)."

I can't help but think that the module is fun, but then if i my modules at university were fun I'd never learn anything.
I think a lot of guys 'do video games' at university, without necessarily studying them academically. ;)

I could ace that test with no revision, I bet... What a joke. Games courses are completely useless; one needs computer science/maths/art & design to get a job in the industry.
At least is no more irrelevant than some othe degrees that were around when I did mine. Degree in zulu dancing anyone?! :D

Knowing Teesside (I studied computer science there) that'll be a first year exam, which are purely to weed out the no hopers who just take up space in later years, you know the people who start the year trying to do an IT/Comp Sci degree and have never used a PC (we actually had those in our year :eek: )
Fail... you cant spell Teesside :p

One thing i do find strange is ALL exams i have done at Teesside (and i have done a few ;) ) state the proportion of marks assigned to each section (even if it is split evenly).

I do agree that does look easy but its a first year module, people are coming from all different A-levels the idea is to try to get everyone up to the same point as soon as possible before or at least before year two. ( That’s how it was for me anyway ;) )

You can get on that degree with no computer experience so i guess they have to accommodate everybody.
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Was a poly when i went there (Chemical Eng)

and there was nothing that easy on my first year exams.
Seriously, it's good to have a solid knowledge of gaming history if you want to work in the industry, but who do they think they are kidding with questions like

22) In the early text-based adventure game ‘Colossal Cave’ (a.k.a. ‘Advent’), what is the secret
password that returns you to the starting point of the game?
a) plugh.
b) xyzzy.
c) abracadabra.
d) izzywizzy.
e) black rod.

I mean, who the hell cares!!
i did this module too

and passed

one of the benefits of a degree in computer studies (as opposed to computer science) is that you can choose which modules to do

and this was one of them, was real good fun.

apart from computer studies, the only other degrees that have this module on the course is the computer games (design / programming / science / art)

and they arent a complete joke, one of my mates that also took the module is now a fully paid up member of staff for Climax after getting his degree in computer games design


ps dont knock Black Hawk Down for Xbox - he spent a lot of time on that game and is rather proud of it!
MadFruit said:
I mean, who the hell cares!!

Agreed - anyone bothering to learn all that stuff is wasting their time. I don't quite see how recognising a screenshot from some 10 year old game is worthy of merit for a degree.
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