I agree to a point but those tracking apps have replaced common sense, using your brain and listening to your body. It’s usually pretty obvious if you’re not getting enough exercise or aren’t sleeping properly, but people aren’t willing to self assess have to offload everything to an app. And there’s a big question mark over what they actually do with the info they’re given.
Back on topic, eating and drinking is one of the few things where doing it mindfully, and sharing the experience and memories with the people your with, massively enhances it. Constantly whipping your phone out distracts from that and spoils it for me.
I stopped using Untappd to track beers I liked for that reason, it constantly took me out of the moment I was enjoying with friends.
These days if we go out for a special meal and there’s something I want to remember, I ask for a copy of the menu to take home. Most places are usually happy to oblige and it’s a miles better souvenir than a **** iPhone picture.