Talk to Frank

Hehe, sort of an upside to the Cillit Bang (just to spite someone I sorta know):

This person at a relative's work filled her bath with Cillit Bang (More Cillit Bang:Water than probably should have been), and when her cat came down walking into doors etc, she took it to the vets.

Turned out the cat had been licking the water out of the bath, went blind, and later died :rolleyes:

"And the kitty's gone!" :o

The one which really REALLY winds me up is the damn "That's more than lucky!" advert. Wouldn't it be nice if after the guy has said that, a random boxing glove smacks him in the mouth?
Has anyone noticed Joe Scully in the audience on Sheila's Wheels? He doesnt even have a speaking part which makes you wonder why they went out of their way to recruit an australian actor.
loopylou said:
Washing machines live longer with calgon!

Little known that the guy who wrote that is now the lead singer of The Darkness.

I heard it when i saw 'Confessions of a jingle writer' at the fringe, so im pretty sure its right.
delta555 said:
Little known that the guy who wrote that is now the lead singer of The Darkness.

I heard it when i saw 'Confessions of a jingle writer' at the fringe, so im pretty sure its right.

I know he definitely wrote (and sung) on Ikea adverts
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