Talk to me about being a Vegan?

A vegan newbie here.

I started my vegan journey last Christmas. I came across some vegan Christmas dinner videos on Youtube and was keen to try them.
Then, after seeing some videos on Netflix, I thought I should try to be a vegan if I could. It is more for environmental reasons and also about limited resources on this planet.

I love all soya products. However, I realised I am a bit intolerant to soya product, such as soya chunks. After having soya chunks, I usually have serious bloating and fart too much :(.
My partner was complaining about that as they are extremely smelly as well. Tofu and soya milk are fine for me ((which is weird)). My protein sources are mostly tofu and tempeh, which I really like!! Sometimes I make fake meat with vital wheat gluten, but not often as they have an unique taste that I do not really fancy.

Soon or later I will share with you my vegan meal :)
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