Task manager memory question after disabling superfetch. (Windows 7)

4 Dec 2008
I have disabled Superfetch as I am using an SSD, and now task manager is reporting memory usage differently. Could you let me know if it looks normal? I'm slightly confused by the 0 mb of free memory!

Thanks in advance.

Don't worry about it, your system is physically using 1.38GB in that pic with the rest allocated as a cache for system resources.....

The cache is freed up as soon as an app needs it.
Eh, isn't superfetch read only? Meaning nothing is written to the disk?

SSDs have unlimited reads, unless it breaks :p
In that link they say leave superfetch alone so kinda contradicts itself abit.

I personally let windows 7 sort itself out, as its optimized for SSD's

Seriously. Stop reading such crap articles!

A few choice quotes from that article, which are just utterly hilarious:

"Disable Write Caching: There is no cache on the SSD, so there are no benefits to write caching"

"Configure Superfetch: Frees up RAM by not preloading program files."

"Rather than disable SuperFetch altogether, a better way would be to set it to cache boot files only"

Jesus H Christ!!! :eek: How can the people that write these "tweak guides" be so clueless?
Eh, isn't superfetch read only? Meaning nothing is written to the disk?

SSDs have unlimited reads, unless it breaks :p


And just to make clear, a Superfetch that only pulls in boot files is not Superfetch anymore. Because the Superfetch background service only starts after the boot has finished...
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