
Seen a few clips - seemed very mixed, some bits bordering on good other bits dire. Didn't get me interested enough to watch it.
I got into it pretty late. Binged around the first 7 seasons as it was a decent easy watch whilst having tea. However i found it then got a little bit boring.

The earlier seasons seemed to create better bonds between the partnerships which made the show a little more interesting (Nish Kumar and Mark Watson in particular)
I got into it pretty late. Binged around the first 7 seasons as it was a decent easy watch whilst having tea. However i found it then got a little bit boring.

That's exactly how we watch it! We too got into it quite late and started from the beginning, watching an episode during tea every now and again.

It does heavily depend on the guests, just watched one with David Baddiel and Jo Brand, they are dire, not funny at all.
It does heavily depend on the guests, just watched one with David Baddiel and Jo Brand, they are dire, not funny at all.

Yeah, i've generally found the ones i didn't know about to be the funnier. Paul Chowdhry in particular, although Phil Want, Mike Wozniak and Richard Herring are up there too. Maybe it helps that i don't watch much comedy so a lot of people are unknown to me!

I think my favourite is still the first round where they have to bring stuff in.
Task master is amazing, especially season 7. However since its move to channel 4 its not been up to standard, unfortunately the casting of contestants from channel 4 has been exceedingly poor compared to the days of Dave.

Bare in mind that the last three series were socially distanced, including in the studio audience bits and I do think that took away a lot of the appeal.

Unfortunately for channel 4, that happened to coincide with them showing it.

I'm enjoying the new series though
Watched every season, some episodes can be a little boring, but on the whole this has been one of the funniest shows on TV in recent years. Mike Wozniak was a definite highlight. I love the scoring and how it is often just down to how Greg is feeling.
Good concept utterly reliant on the guests for the series.
Some laugh out loud moments with just how dumb people can be....
The UK version is streaming on Swedish TV oddly so we watch it now and then when there's nothing left :p
The Swedish version is funny too but I literally have no clue who anyone is.
I know they are trying to highlight lesser known comedians to give them a break, but I think they need at least two people with a bit of star power per series.

Harry Hill would be great on there, and maybe Adam Buxton.
The first season I found a little hit/miss but from season 2 until the 1st COVID season with Johnny Vegas they were fantastic overall.

I found the lack of audience a shame as it robbed some atmosphere during the Stage sessions and, by the end of the Vegas season, I'd decided to pass on the rest.
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