Tax in UK

I would love a bit of UK taxation compared to what I have now.

1Up to €11,693 0%
2€11,693 – €19,134 20%
3€19,134 – €32,075 30%
4€32,075 – €62,080 41%
5€62,080 – €93,120. 48%
6€93,120 – €1,000,00050%
7Over €1,000,000 55%
Pfft you call that tax? :p yeah thats a lot :/
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Going to earn £120k+ this year thanks to redundancy package and quickly finding another job. Sounds glam but with HMRC reclaiming personal allowance and child benefit I'm getting skinned alive through PAYE, like 50%+ basic. Probably shouldn't have bothered looking for a new job before April tbh,
Going to earn £120k+ this year thanks to redundancy package and quickly finding another job. Sounds glam but with HMRC reclaiming personal allowance and child benefit I'm getting skinned alive through PAYE, like 50%+ basic. Probably shouldn't have bothered looking for a new job before April tbh,
For reference, with tax free childcare, 106k versus 100k is just 200 quid extra total for the year. Do your maths!
As long as the Nett Pay is decent enough for a good standard of living, the tax is largely irrelevant.

I'd rather pay 50% on £120k than 25% on £70k (everything else being equal)
The tax is definitely not irrelevant. I could earn around 20-30k more a year (with significantly less tax) in the UK for the same job I do in Austria.
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The tax is definitely not irrelevant. I could earn around 20-30k more a year (with significantly less tax) in the UK for the same job I do in Austria.

Vienna is a beautiful city, was staying just down the road from you this week at the Museum Quarter (Volksmuseum stop on the tube). Had a good wander and visited the Christmas markets etc. Had a great time
I was referring in a general way.

Would your quality of life be better in the UK than Vienna and, if so, what's the reasons for staying where you are?

That's a good question and I'm not sure. For a city, quality of life here is probably better than most UK cities, but you pay for it.
I stay where I am because my wife would probably be annoyed if I moved back to the UK.

Vienna is a beautiful city, was staying just down the road from you this week at the Museum Quarter (Volksmuseum stop on the tube). Had a good wander and visited the Christmas markets etc. Had a great time
It's a great city, it really is. Sorry the weather has been a bit rubbish the last few weeks :D

I cycle past Museumsquartier every day on the way home from work.
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