TB's 52 in '15

20 May 2007
Location: Location:
I thought i'd have a go at this in an attempt to use the camera a bit more.

As well as giving me a bit of a push to use the camera a bit more it will hopefully make me look at different subjects, compositions and processing and C&C is welcomed on all the pics.

Ive also started a 52 in 15 Flick album HERE

So Week #1

Taken during a few days in London with work.

Week # 1
by Jon°, on Flickr

First time attempting this kind of pic and lots wrong with it.

Was hand held, auto focus and no long exposure. White balance could be better and I need to get my head around bracketing

Thanks for looking

E: Rest of the set HERE

E2: BIG edit - changed the pic !
Last edited:
Thanks for the comments :)

No photoshop involved at all (plenty of Light Room though :P)

The watch is sat on a black polished granite slate and angled by resting / snagled on a piece of blue tac. The the image taken from a ~45 degree angle to get the reflection

Lightroom is then used to adjust whites, blacks, presence and clarity to "whitten" the black tile and sharpen the relection.

There are more from the set here (all with similar process and no creation of the reflection):


I dont have any pics of the "set up" but can mock it and take an ipotato pic as well as the original image straight of of the camera
Thank you, very much appreciated :)

Yes, there was a load of dirt on the sensor (cleaned now) and i hadn't gone and touched the pics up

Ive cloned out the spots and replaced the pic above and in the Flickr gallery

Thanks again and for pointing it out :)

Week 6 by Jon°, on Flickr

Yep, their "micro" lenses are macro lenses

This 105mm Is also meant to be a good portrait lens - it definitely has some good bokeh :) - handheld shot through the patio doors :

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