I thought i'd have a go at this in an attempt to use the camera a bit more.
As well as giving me a bit of a push to use the camera a bit more it will hopefully make me look at different subjects, compositions and processing and C&C is welcomed on all the pics.
Ive also started a 52 in 15 Flick album HERE
So Week #1
Taken during a few days in London with work.
Week # 1 by Jon°, on Flickr
First time attempting this kind of pic and lots wrong with it.
Was hand held, auto focus and no long exposure. White balance could be better and I need to get my head around bracketing
Thanks for looking
E: Rest of the set HERE
E2: BIG edit - changed the pic !
As well as giving me a bit of a push to use the camera a bit more it will hopefully make me look at different subjects, compositions and processing and C&C is welcomed on all the pics.
Ive also started a 52 in 15 Flick album HERE
So Week #1
Taken during a few days in London with work.
Week # 1 by Jon°, on Flickr
First time attempting this kind of pic and lots wrong with it.
Was hand held, auto focus and no long exposure. White balance could be better and I need to get my head around bracketing
Thanks for looking
E: Rest of the set HERE
E2: BIG edit - changed the pic !
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