tccd 2-2-2-5 highest fsb?

6 Feb 2004
most 1gb kits are rated 2-2-2-5 at ddr400. but how high can they go on the fsb whilst retaining those tight timings? 210-220 or is that being too optimistic? :D
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If you are prepared to fry the things (3.3v+) BH5 modules have been known to get up to 250mhz at 2-2-2-5. I've got a friend of mine (the guy who got me into overclocking) and he runs some value G.Skill that'll do that speed with enough voltage.
i know bh5 is the best but i can't be bothered with getting active cooling and a ddr booster. and there's no way i'm v-modding my board.... :p

i have a dothan and that gives me a nice high multiplier of 13 to play with so if i can get some tccd that does these tight timings, 210-220 at low volts - anything upto 2.85v, that'll be ideal for me. :)
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