Teachers saying "you would amount to nothing"

Strange, because that same head of department was also responsible for getting me a job at the same college (2 in fact, on 2 separate occasions).

I mean, what you're basically saying is that there is no way a lecturer will ever be let go, regardless of how poor their teaching quality is or how many complaints they get from students.
Whilst that would explain a lot about the British education system today, I find it very hard to believe, and it certainly doesn't tie in with my experiences, both as a student and a member of staff (both teaching staff and IT - when you're asked to lock someone's account immediately and kill all their active sessions, it generally doesn't indicate that they've decided to leave happily under their own free will) .

But I shall bow down to your superior knowledge on the matter, I'm sure you're right and it was all just a massive coincidence on all occasions ;)

College lecturer... You said teacher. Vastly different and different rules apply.

A primary or secondary schools head of department has no say... The can only advise the senior leadership team. Then that teacher would go though months of improvement schemes before being let go.

Unless, serious misconduct is detected, then it's a suspension with an investigation. Still takes about a month.

My R.E teacher called me a "waster" a few times because I couldn't be bothered to do any work in that particular subject.

Turns out she was right though :(
I used to sit on my behind and make jokes through most of the lessons during my stay in secondary school, due in the main to being constantly bullied. In my last year there I had the pleasure of being put in the 'Remedial' class with the hatchet throwers, psychos and the great unwashed of the establishment. Under the constant barrage of physical and mental abuse I finally snapped just before finishing school and after hiding in some bushes with a baseball bat (purchased specifically for the job), I put the bullies in hospital. Soon after I opened up to my parents about it all and my god, what a massive weight was lifted. I slowly developed into a relatively normal person from then on and got into IT and moved up the line over the next twenty years in various roles. After this I did a few company start-ups with some great people and was able to retire at 40. My mum died five years later and a few years after that I went through all the random stuff she'd kept, and I came across some of my old school reports. One of them said, "His disdain for the teaching staff is seemingly only surpassed by his disdain for any and all classwork at this school." There were many, many more like this. I wish my parents had asked me about what was going on as I simply couldn't tell them myself. Instead they both shouted and berated me to do better, full stop. While the school reports were all correct on the face of it, if anyone had the simple time or inclination to scrape the surface they'd have likely found a very willing and intelligent child, just like the rest in my family, but one that was simply not coping in what felt like a psychological war zone during those years. For good or bad, those years never completely left me. I had bouts of depression randomly throughout the years after. After one particularly bad one some eight years a go now, I opened up to my brother and sisters about everything that had gone on at the time. We all had a very long and heartfelt cry about it, and many other stories that the others didn't know a thing about came out that night too. Suffice to say we're all very close now. We care about each other, get on brilliantly well and are completely and freely open with each other too.
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