Team OcUK - we need your spare CPU cycles

FYI - Latest F@H workunits can use up to 350MB, but you have the option of not running those. Most projects use 50MB or less.
Cool, got 512mb (upgrade next month to 1gb) at home so when I've re-installed everything at the weekend I'll give one of them a go, is there one your really desperate for people to join? If there is I'll get it at home and on the 4 pc's in the office :D

Berserker said:
FYI - Latest F@H workunits can use up to 350MB, but you have the option of not running those. Most projects use 50MB or less.

Ive been getting too many tinker cores lately, only use 10mb...the largest unit i had was the 1476 which used 102mb. i prefer the larger units, better for my Athlon XPs and 64, and earn points quicker
Interested in the einstein@home. Does it have a linux client, and is it already niced quite high, or do i need to renice it once its started?
I find BOINC a great excuse to run my computer 24/7... along with other apps;):) I need never experience a slow boot or shutdown again:)
So long as I live at home, my rigs here will never be able to run 24/7 unfortunately :(

Hence why i'm looking into the rigs at work :)
riven said:
Interested in the einstein@home. Does it have a linux client, and is it already niced quite high, or do i need to renice it once its started?

At last count, climateprediction was the best option for native linux.
When I ran it on the linux box, it was considerably slower than the Windows client. The recommendation was to run it under WINE.
Going to install F@H on my work computer and I've just installed it here at home too.

I've also joined the OcUK team...

When I do install F@H at work, can I put it under the same nickname and team so that they both count towards my points?! Or will that cause problems?

R0551 said:
Cool, got 512mb (upgrade next month to 1gb) at home so when I've re-installed everything at the weekend I'll give one of them a go, is there one your really desperate for people to join? If there is I'll get it at home and on the 4 pc's in the office :D

we really need help in all of the projects so you may aswell choose one that you like the sound of - check out the boinc and folding@home sticky's in the DC forum for more info to help you choose

whatever you choose to run there will be plenty of hlepful friendly folk to help if you need it :)
You'll be fine with that. The only time you may run into problems with F@H is when running more than one copy on the same PC (to take advantage of Hyperthreading, for example). There's a thread at the top of the DC forum with lots of useful stuff about F@H, and another for BOINC-based projects (SETI@home/BOINC, Predictor, Einstein,, LHC, and BURP when it's ready).

We also have our very own stats site for the BOINC projects.

How many people were waiting for me to drop in that 'plug'? ;)
Kyzia said:
Going to install F@H on my work computer and I've just installed it here at home too.

I've also joined the OcUK team...

When I do install F@H at work, can I put it under the same nickname and team so that they both count towards my points?! Or will that cause problems?

nice one! :)

that's the idea of the nickname - you use the same one on each machine and the points get totalled under one name - nice work fella! :D

edit: see we're falling over eachother to help :p
rich99million said:
nice one! :)

that's the idea of the nickname - you use the same one on each machine and the points get totalled under one name -nice work fella! :D

edit: see we're falling over eachother to help :p

That's what I thought... thanks for confirming!

(Just for the record... I'm not a fella!! ;) )
Berserker said:
How many people were waiting for me to drop in that 'plug'? ;)

I almost did it for you but thought I'd let you have the pleasure since it was you who ran up so many kliks building it :)

Stan :)
Kyzia said:
That's what I thought... thanks for confirming!

(Just for the record... I'm not a fella!! ;) )
ding ding ding - we have a winnnerrr!!!!

as far as i know you're the first female folder on the team, the only others i know are folding under their blokies names

welcome to the team.....fella-ette? :confused:
why is there no feminine equivalent? :p
Ken said:
F@H installed and running. :)

Good man - and well done to all the other lads and lasses who have signed up/will be signing up for one or more of the various projects \o/

Stan :)
May I take the liberty of pointing out that Mr. Berserker has spent many, many months creating a most fantastic stats site for the BOINC projects:

User stats, certificates for crunching milestones, team stats, historical info, comparisons, and really really funky graphs.

Go check it out, it's truly fantastic! :)
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