Team Viewer & PC Locking

yes, I had looked, looked as though it is related to winprivacysvc which is related to 'questionable' s/w
WinPatrol - Ruiware, LLC

presumambly you have checked all updates(patches+drivers) that are coincident with problem starting

I have removed the file after finding it with unlocker.

I havent done anything else yet but I have went back and there hasent been anything new installed since before the issue came around - Is it possible I have picked this up online I do have a few extensions in Firefox but nothing I havent ever not used already if that makes sense.
Also that Winpatrol - I dont recognise that at all I owuld never instal anyting like that - This is beocming very odd :)

Edit - Wish I had screenshoted it but when I ckecked in the file properties the authors name was in Jap charactors also - Big red flag there as well I am guessing :)

Edit 2 - Well that didnt last long about an hour there and another crash - WhoCrashed reportiing same file again even after deletion
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Havent been able to at moment but later on tonight yes - At work just now.

Since last crash and removing the file hopefully 100 percent this time I havent had a crash yet which has been the longest time without one now in dyas.

Fingers crossed but I am not holding my breath.
I had a look but they seem a little beyond my windbg skills :(.

One thing I did read is that the critical structure corruption error is related to something trying to change the memory of something belonging to Windows* and could be a virus/malware. But, I also spotted in the crash dump that one of the modules around the address of the problematic area was aswSnx.sys. If you Google that it belongs to Avast. Are you running Avast? Given what viruses scanners do they're likely to probe into lots of parts of your system in great detail and I wonder if it may be doing something that's tripping windows into thinking its being corrupted. Could you maybe try uninstalling it?
I would have said use the nirsoft tool instead to analyse dumps, that's what I use.

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