Teamspeak 2

dead_martyr said:
I personally dont like teamspeak at all, i find it laggy and voice quality poor

what he said, ive not found a decent one actually, i usually use msn but thats no good for loads of people.
I use for my teamspeak 2 server, they also do ventrilo servers. I pay about £20 for 3 months rent of a 10 slot voice server.

I've found that teamspeak 2 works fine as long as you setup your channel with a decent codec instead of the default one. Having said that, I think I'll try ventrilo for three months when it's renewal time just so I can compare, but I've certainly found teamspeak to be more than enough for my needs so far.
never had a problem with TeamSpeak personally, have my own server which costs about £4 a month or something, set the codec to the highest, based in London = no lag, good (enough) sound quality.

I admit Ventrillo sounds like you are in the same room as the person which is impressive, but i prefer TS' user friendliness.
If you end up using different versions of Ventrilo and also teamspeak(2) I recommend this handy tool for switching between them.

Basically it gives you a choice of which one you want to load up, will be familiar to anyone that has played CS and been told that the server they are using in this particular mix is running a different version of Ventrilo to the last one!



Sorry that isn't the exact information your after just thought it might help you and some others.

I prefer TS out of the lot, its sound quality is enough for talking, and thats all you need. TS is easier to navigate and uses less of you bandwidth IIRC.
Another vote for Ventrilo. When I used teamspeak you couldn't use any channels, the volume control didn't work and a lot of people were so fuzzy it hurt my ears. Ventrilo's interface might not be pretty, but I'm amazed by its usability.
I think TS is perhaps more suited to large numbers of people sharing a channel, something along the lines of a battlefield 2 match where you have number separate squads and then a commander. Ventrilo on the other hand is more suited for smaller numbers like CS match with 5 people on.

All depends on what you want to use it for I suppose. I found Ventrilo and TS easy to use, but Vent did have better sound quality.
Stellios said:
I prefer TS out of the lot, its sound quality is enough for talking, and thats all you need. TS is easier to navigate and uses less of you bandwidth IIRC.
Yup, I used Ventrilo before TS2 and I thought TS2 was better.
Thx for replys guys .
I have only just installed TS2 and had a play with it with my mate. Will also try ventrillo.
Do I have to pay for a server or are there any free ones for like 4-6 players?
richyfingers said:
I think TS is perhaps more suited to large numbers of people sharing a channel, something along the lines of a battlefield 2 match where you have number separate squads and then a commander. Ventrilo on the other hand is more suited for smaller numbers like CS match with 5 people on.

Not really true at all. Both are capable of supporting lots of users. In vent you just create channels for different squads, games etc.

There bandwidth useages are pretty similar altho once again it totally depends on the quality of codec used. I think that by default ventrilos codec is much better quality. Most of the TS servers i've been on had been fuzzy and poor quality. Also found it hard to see who was talking sometimes and the interface wasn't nice or easy to use. Ventrilo is much nicer in my opinion although probably isn't used as much due to the developers not handing out the licenses to providers as freely as teamspeak.
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