Tech guys- What is your electricity bill?

You need to look at both what you are paying AND how much you are using. Each provider will have their own set of tariffs with different costs per Kw as well as different standing charges. We can't tell you for sure if you are paying the right amount unless you can tell what your charges are and we don't know if your using too much electric for the kit you've got unless you tell us how much you are using :)
it's between 16 to 18p kwh they charge and I use an average of 330-490 kWh according to one of my bill's
Around £80 a month but my wife and I both work from home.

I also work from home but I try to just use my laptop and not both my pc monitors just one.

Lights are all off during the day and so is heating.

Occasionally use the oven to prepare my lunch but that happens only once a week where majority of the time I use the gas hub or microwave.

I also now use a Sony Bluetooth wireless speaker instead of my hifi system. That's how bad its getting in terms of trying to crack down on the bill.

I used to think my PC while gaming used a lot of power until I started to charge electric cars at home. Now my electric usage varies from ~15 kwh to 20 kwh per day between summer and winter. 10-15 kwh being a typical charge for my daily commute. So yeah it's high compared to me as I'm including all my travel as well but I'm single currently in a well insulated mid-terrace and I'm almost religious about turning off lights and appliances :)
Get onto a better tariff with a cheaper energy provider. We are with Pure Planet (get a referral code for a voucher from someone on pureplanet) and whilst their standing charge is a bit higher their tariff is lower so saves us money.
Having lots of tech stuff shouldn't necessarily mean a big tech bill, I mean you presumably don't use it all at once.

Like how much time do people have to make use of say the surround set up + projector or massive TV for a movie... (I guess depends also on how much TV you watch and whether it gets used for that too).

I'd just get a smart meter, keep a close eye on it initially and look to turn some things off instead of leaving on standby etc...
DD with Scottish Power is ~£100pcm, elec only including storage heater on Economy7 tarriff, will be looking around for deals over next month as deal coming to an end in 2020.

Immersion heater set to come on during the last ~60mins of e7 "cheap" rate, but turned on before running baths after midday.
We have to manually turn storage heaters to minimum "charge up" when in use from around Nov-Mar, otherwise they will consume elec at expensive day rate, because they are not connected exclusively to the e7 ring.
Six fish tanks in use, but only garage one has active heater (300W) turned on Nov-Mar to maintain ~18C with plenty of insulation layers over tank, two indoor ones have lights for ~6 hour period per day (~250W total IIRC). I use cold water exclusively for water changes Mar-Oct, then use some hot water depending on cold water temp (by feel rather than thermometer). Filters use "peanuts" elec, approx 8-50W per tank.
1 PC as the R9 390 gfx and possible the Corsair 750W psu at least in mine died 2+ months ago, but I game far less than I used to and better half's PC is decent (i5 6600k, 16GB, RX 580) and so we "time-share" that with using Surface Pro 4 for browsing and Zwift.
I'm guilty of boiling the kettle for coffees most hours when I'm not working and until ~1600 everyday, but I try to only put enough water in for what I need.
Washing machine used on 20C setting more washes, has cold water feed only.

Edit: Forgot that most of our room bulbs are low Watt LEDs.
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About £60 for gas and electric when I lived back in the UK.

One server (always on), 4 TV's, 5 PC's and all the major game consoles in my 2 bed house.

Smart meter installed, heating controlled by Hive and lights all LED's.
British Gas dual fuel tariff and it's £77 a month for both Gas and Electric (Guess it's about £30 for leccy) in a 3 bedroom semi with just me and the wife.

I only have Gas central heating and hob everything else is run on electricity.
50ish, the solar panels help with the unraid server being on all the time and we use the dishwasher during the day.
About £150 a month here, think it's fairly evenly split between gas and electric.

I don't particularly think about electricity though and will leave stuff turned on, leave the tv on for the dogs when we're out etc.

Feels like the effort to reduce it just isn't worth it for ~£20 a month
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