Yes but the result of 1<<4=16 doesn't it? So 8 & 16 = 01000 & 10000 = 00000
Yes, I'm not sure what you are trying to ask though.
1 << 4 is 16. If you know python this kind of stuff is really nice and easy to double check:
>>> x = 1 << 4
>>> x
>>> y = 8
>>> x & y
In the number 8 the 4th bit is set to 1 and no other bits are set, but remember like array you need to start from 0, not 1.
e.g. if you have an array and you want to check the nth value you look in array position n-1:
int[] numbers = {10,20,30,40,50};
cout << "3rd number is " << numbers[2] << endl;
If you want to check the nth bit is set you check n-1.
In your post you have this:
num = 4
bit = 2
0001 << 2 = 0100
This is wrong, the 2nd bit is not set in 4, the 3rd bit is:
Bit: 8th 7th 6th 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 1st
Value: 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Bit Index: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
You want to check the 1st bit is set:
Number 3 = 0011
Bit = 1
1 << 0 = 0001
0011 &
And for 3rd bit:
The question itself doesn't mention any assumptions, the answer does however
That is an issue, maybe the assumptions are at the start of the the chapter on string manipulation? The fact that the answer asks for a solution without a data structure indicates that the bit mask solution is what they intended.
It may be worth telling the publisher about the error, you might get a voucher for free books etc.
This does highlight an issue you sometimes get at interviews though, the people having asked the same question hundreds of times end up short cutting the pretext and excluding useful information.
In the flip side this is the thing that we would want interviewers to ask about. Is the sting preformatted, Unicode, lowercase, alpha-numeric, only letters, do they want fastest time, lowest memory usage, or most maintainable code? Asking the interviewer such questions shows you have avery good understanding of real world software development and such textbook answers dont always apply.
I said it earlier but such neat solutions as the bit mask are quite common, especially if you know the text is formatted. E.g the text might be a surname taken from a database entry where all the text are formatted before entry.
As a coincidence, next to chrome I have a window with this javascript (yuck!) code visible just above the function I was working on:
function hasCommonPhase(phase1,phase2)
if ( phase1 > 0 && phase2 > 0 && (phase1 & phase2) > 0) return true;
else return false;
function phaseToBits(phase)
if (phase == 0) return 0;
else return (1 << (phase-1));
Note the -1...