TEFL abroad

18 Oct 2002
cidade maravilhosa
Has anybody here completed a TEFL course ?
or taught English abroad?
I'm looking for as much info about TEFL as I'm seriously thinking of doing it jsut not sure who to go with and how to go about it all really. :confused:
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I think Overtone_Bliss is in China teaching English as a foreign language but please for the sake of all the grammar nazis on the forums (and I include myself in this category) write "or taught English abroad". :)
mctiny said:
Has anybody here completed a TEFL course ?
or teached English abroad?
I'm looking for as much info about TEFL as I'm seriously thinking of doing it jsut not sure who to go with and how to go about it all really. :confused:
Do you already speak any language other than English (e.g. Spanish)?

I know someone (fluent Spanish) who taught English in Peru a couple of years ago and someone else who is on her way out there in a few weeks - neither did a TEFL course.

You could try The British Council.
My sister's been teaching English abroad for years. She finally got round to officially getting the TEFL qualification from a distance learning course last year. Apparently you can teach without it but get paid less and work differs slightly.

If you're anything like her, doing it for a long time will eat away at your soul until you're so crazy and bitter you'll be scrambling for a new career :p
I "teached" some english in germany for a month last summer, was good fun. Damn kids though, great fun but it was Kindergarten and the kids were tiny. Couldn't understand their babble most of the time but they seemed to love me :D

Anyway, it's a good experience at the least :)
Shackley said:
Do you already speak any language other than English (e.g. Spanish)?

I know someone (fluent Spanish) who taught English in Peru a couple of years ago and someone else who is on her way out there in a few weeks - neither did a TEFL course.

You could try The British Council.
I'm learning Portuguese at the moment, in readiness for my new life in Brasil;). I know you can "teac" without the course but I am thinking it could be a really good thing to have, besides I can understand the benifits of teaching people :).

Personally I think it is the right time to have a career change and this would help me with my English Grammar as well as teaching to others.
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mctiny said:
I'm learning Portuguese at the moment, in readiness for my new life in Brasil;). I know you can "teac" without the course but I am thinking it could be a really good thing to have, besides I can understand the benifits of teaching people :).

Personally I think it is the right time to have a career change and this would help me with my English Grammer as well as teaching to others.

Nice, are you planning on living there permanently?
regulus said:
Cool. It's always interesting to hear about people moving to countries other than Spain, France or Cyprus. I myself is moving out to Kosice, eastern Slovakia.
If it floats your boat I guess;).

For me I fell in love with Rio, Brasil, whilst there for 3 months last year.

I am at the point in my life where I start to question where my life is heading and if I like it or need a huge change;)
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mctiny said:
If it floats your boat I guess;).

For me I fell in love with Rio, Brasil, whislt there for 3 months last year.

I am at the point in my life where I start to question where my life is heading and if I like it or need a huge change;)

I take it you don't like it, therefore the change?
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