WHY WERE THE BUTTONS SO SMALL!?Funnily enough this just popped up on my FBee:
WHY WERE THE BUTTONS SO SMALL!?Funnily enough this just popped up on my FBee:
pity it took 5 years to dial itTop fact that's why 999 is 999. It was the least likely voltage to be miss understood.
They all work on todays lines. Some GPO rotary phones might need re-wiring with a 3.3k Resistor added to the board inside if they haven't been converted but its very easy to convert one. Most of them are already good to go.I can still feel exactly what it's like to press those in my mind!
Do all of these retro phones still work with current lines? What are good options for getting one that will be working in years to come?
I have taken that very personally.Fewer fat fingers because people didn't dine on coke and wotsits all day