Temperature problems

24 Feb 2007
Hi, I have a problem with high temperature, the computer idles at 50c-55c after about 30 mins and any load it shoots up to 70c-80c and shuts down. It will idle all day at 50c-55c (maybe a little lower) but once the temperature goes up it takes hours for it to come back down. I have a Jeantech aqua case with a 12cm intake fan, 8cm exhaust fan and a 8cm side fan over the hsf (the hsf is spinning at 2000-2100rpm). I have taken the hsf off many times to reseat it using AS5, temps never get any better or worse. I have checked the cpu for concave IHS, seems ok, no worse than other cpu`s I have. Everything is running stock.

Please could I have advice what to do next? should I add more fans? I have no idea what to do.

if you take the side panel off the case, do the cpu temps drop?

if so, then that could mean you do not have sufficient airflow

can you add a 120mm fan on the back, to replace the 80mm

the fan mounts, may also have poor ventilation which could stop the air escaping or blowing into the case as well as they could

how much AS5 are you using on the cpu
does not make any difference with the side open, I can only put a 80cm at the back, I only put a small amount of AS5 in the center.

I have a fan in the side over the hsf, which is best blowing air in or out?

I did try an Akasa 865 hsf, which was no better or worse.

techmob said:
if you take the side panel off the case, do the cpu temps drop?

that's not quite true because then his case temparature will be same as room temparature. you need to get new cpu cooler and install a couple fans
9dna said:
I thought the Zalman 9500 would be more than ok for my needs. :confused:

in that case make sure it's correctly positioned on the cpu. this is very important and also add fans to blow the hot air out of the case
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