tempted by the elite

18 Feb 2007

ive got a xbox360, but im starting to get tempted to get the elite when its released mainly for the hardrive and hdmi.

just not sure if im making a mistake , is it worth the £300+ ?


p.s would my white play and charge kit and controller work on the elite???
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beachBOYken said:

ive got a xbox360, but im starting to get tempted to get the elite when its released mainly for the hardrive and hdmi.

just not sure if im making a mistake , is it worth the £300+ ?


Its not too badly priced imo considering a 20gig hard drive for the 360 costs £55 or around that, shudder to thnk how much the 120 drive will cost if you buy it alongside a premium. :eek:
personally i dont really see the point in the elite now. When the new premiums arrive with the hdmi the only difference the elite has will be the hard drive which you will be able to pick up as an seperate piece of kit any way. Im not sure how much there going to cost but i can imagine in total it will be below the elite. Could be wrong tho :/
Just checked, the 120 hard drive is gonna cost £130, elite will cost £330. Premium with the 120 would cost £410. Elites not too badly priced at all. :)
beachBOYken said:

ive got a xbox360, but im starting to get tempted to get the elite when its released mainly for the hardrive and hdmi.

just not sure if im making a mistake , is it worth the £300+ ?


p.s would my white play and charge kit and controller work on the elite???

The play and charge will work on any 360 model. Unless you really need the 120GB hard drive (or like black kit) I would wait a while tbh. The 120GB HDD will only come into its own once Video Marketplace is launched in Europe, which as yet, although has been promised, no concrete details have emerged yet.

Once the premium arrives with HDMI I reckon you could get that plus the 120GB HDD for a round *** same price as an elite (I am sure you can get a standard premium for about 230 if you look around and the HDD will be around £100 I reckon).

Gerard said:
Just checked, the 120 hard drive is gonna cost £130, elite will cost £330. Premium with the 120 would cost £410. Elites not too badly priced at all. :)
That post actually reminds me of the PS3 fanboy "price-building" posts not so long back...

ive just checked some site and it says you have to ring up ms for a transfer cable if upgrading??

and also the elite does not have the 65nm chip ?

perhaps i will wait :confused:
Have to contact ms to get a transfer cable, don't really understand that myself. Was considering trading my premium in for an elite but looks like id have to buy one then get the cable then bring the premium to game to see what i could get for it. =/
beachBOYken said:
i just would like to know if i got an elite on release would it have the new 65nm chip ???

Probably not, the elite for the uk has probably been building stock for a while now so theyre most likely a few months old at least.
beachBOYken said:
looks like i will wait then until im certain the elites in britain have the new 65nm chips

I believe its got the new heatsink though? and from what ive heard and read about, those chips wont be around for a few months?

Im probs wrong :)
I'm tempted, but only for the HDMI. Will probably wait around until all the 360's are appearing with HDMI's and pick up a Core or Premium.
Gerard said:
Have to contact ms to get a transfer cable, don't really understand that myself. Was considering trading my premium in for an elite but looks like id have to buy one then get the cable then bring the premium to game to see what i could get for it. =/

Cable to allow you to transfer all your old saves and stuff off the old premium hard drive onto the new one perhaps ?
Gerard said:
Just checked, the 120 hard drive is gonna cost £130, elite will cost £330. Premium with the 120 would cost £410. Elites not too badly priced at all. :)

in that context, its a good deal. £130 for a 120gb drive though, jeeeesus H Christ on a bike. that isnt cheap at at all. £130 gets you a 300gb 2.5" sata drive. or a 750gb 3.5" drive
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beachBOYken said:
i just would like to know if i got an elite on release would it have the new 65nm chip ???
Personally I would rather hold off until the 65nm chip is in full circulation. I know MS are giving 3 years warranty but it just saves hassle and worry to have the fixed model. I would imagine that with the usual Xmas console sales all 'old stock' should be pushed through by the new year - if you can wait that long?
that, of course, is assuming the 65nm cpu actually fixes anything at all. im dubious that it'll fix an issue they shouldnt even be having with the 90nm chips but here's hoping. i do actually want a 360 lol
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