Terminator 1 and 2

Whilst I really enjoy them, I cant help but feel there is a glaring continuity error in Terminator 1

When Arnie chase Kyle and Sarah out of the carpark and then proceeds to drive straight into a wall

I cant help but feel there are some major issues with this seen.

1) He is a cyborg and capable of making thousands of disisions instantly, he should have been capable of identifiying the wall as a threat to his vehicle and mission, as well as recognise that his huma counterparts were probably going to attempt to aviod it in one way or another.

2)Being a machine that has not concept of pain, fear or remorse, why did it run away when Sarah was parked less than 10 feet away. It could have completed its mission there and then. Its not like "modern" bullets had much impact on it. It was capable of fleeing the seen it was more than capable of killing Sarah.

For me at that point I find it hard for the rest of the story to continue, by my mind Sarah should rightfully be dead. I blame poor direction for this.
Kronologic said:
Whilst I really enjoy them, I cant help but feel there is a glaring continuity error in Terminator 1

When Arnie chase Kyle and Sarah out of the carpark and then proceeds to drive straight into a wall

I cant help but feel there are some major issues with this seen.

1) He is a cyborg and capable of making thousands of disisions instantly, he should have been capable of identifiying the wall as a threat to his vehicle and mission, as well as recognise that his huma counterparts were probably going to attempt to aviod it in one way or another.

2)Being a machine that has not concept of pain, fear or remorse, why did it run away when Sarah was parked less than 10 feet away. It could have completed its mission there and then. Its not like "modern" bullets had much impact on it. It was capable of fleeing the seen it was more than capable of killing Sarah.

For me at that point I find it hard for the rest of the story to continue, by my mind Sarah should rightfully be dead. I blame poor direction for this.

well i think after the crash the terminator was badly damaged and seeing a dozen police cars in pursuit decided rather than attempt to kill sarah and possibly fail, it was best to repair himself and hunt her down again with the assurance of terminating her.

love both these films btw :)
Loved both of them, probably T2 a bit more than T1. But Aliens definitely takes the top spot in my books for sci-fi action movies.

"I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
"******* A!"
I watched 1 the other night on channel 5, such a great film.

And the music when he busts into the motel after they get it on.... :D
T1 and T2 rocked, but t3 sucked so bad, I can't wait for t4, as long as it's going to be the futuristic robot war, that you get glimpses of and not another time travelling one.
AcidHell2 said:
as long as it's going to be the futuristic robot war, that you get glimpses of

i originally thought that this would be a cool idea but, i cannot see how this would be cool.

what would be different about it than other war movies? obviously its set in the future, but what else? i cannot think of anything that would set it apart from other films!
Cruiser said:
well i think after the crash the terminator was badly damaged and seeing a dozen police cars in pursuit decided rather than attempt to kill sarah and possibly fail, it was best to repair himself and hunt her down again with the assurance of terminating her.

love both these films btw :)

Having watched all the terminator films I think it is fair to say that terminators can take a lot of beating before being unoperational. Quite simply the fact that later that day he storms a police station and kills all the cops shows that he could have taken everything the police in the street could throw at him.

I think this is further show in T2 where he fights the swat team, the t1000 at the end (having an Iron girder repeatedly smashed into him) and the fight with the TX on the crane (being put through a building hitting a fire truck moving in the opposite direction etc).

In fact the end fight in T1 he takes a hell of a lot of a beating and still relentlessly pursues Sarah.

This one sequence in the story stands out to me as being wrong and poorly thought out.
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