Terminator 4 a go

Didn't really mean that, was kinda pointing out the 'sitting on the fence, not really speaking your mind' kinda thing ;)
T3 was so bad. The actor for Connor was crap and the persona of Connor had completely changed from a dark haired rock teen to a cowardly lobotomised noob!

The special effects were terrible. I only enjoyed the huge crane scene and the skynet robots at the end were too much like Johnny 5.

The Terminator was crap, she was completely devoid of any on screen charisma/personality that made Arnie's interpretation so good. Its abilities were crap too, wtf is with the dremel arm?

It was painful to watch.
If I remember correctly didn't Cameron tell Arnie to do T3 purely for the cash? I'm almost 100% that Arnie would only do it under the approval of Cameron, hence why he took the huge amount of money offered and just made the film. He did say "I'll be back" on the T3 DVD though so I expect him to stick to his word!
PikeyPriest said:
The effects in T2 are some of the best i have seen in a film and for its age it doesnt look dated even now.

Easily one of the best action films i have ever seen!

Effects? :p They wernt effects, they were real pieces of tin foil sewn to him :p
MookJong said:
Get the T2 Ultimate Edition DVD and watch the deleted scenes, the true ending is on there.

John grows up and goes into politics (Not a military leader but a peacfull one). He campagnes for Nuclear disarmament and stops the war from happening that way

So in my head thats what happened, no T3 and certainly no T4.

00bob00 said:
grows us and goes into politics? the kid was a freaking nutter in his youth, sounds extremely out of character, mental scarring HELLO?

I think you're forgetting the little matter of what he learned from his experiences with the "Good" Terminator. Don't you think that would make someone grow up real fast?
Ok guys, I agree that the outlook isn't good, but who will be a man and admit that they will go and see it on the premise that it's a Terminator film and that they want to know how it ends, thus basically fufilling exactly what the creators of T4 are hoping (that even if it is crap, people will watch it just because of the other films)

*Raises hand slowly*
Unfortunatly Arnie wont be in it..

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I'm not a great fan of T2 & T3 (unlike the wife) but I hope this goes ahead. Hopefully Terminator 4 will end with John Connor sending back Kyle Reese to protect his mother and become his father, it would round it off in a nice cyclic manner.

Hmmm perhaps I remember Terminator too well, I seem to recall the character names without even thinking about it lol.
The world needs another Terminator film about as much as it needs another Aliens vs Predator. What is it with huge-budget action films these days and being enormously bad?

Kids, say NO to sequels.
think it didnt personaly look good on screen watching a stunning blonde fighting against arnie...... something like that cannot work imo.

Now if it was a guy fighting arnie would have been a lot more belivable and realistic, a man fighting with a women be it metal or not just dont do well on screen.

Still look forward to T4, why not nothing else out there....
Hated T3. It was a real shame to watch, it had so much potential. The whole feel of the film was completely different to the first two. It felt it was almost: Terminator: The TV series, rather than a movie.

What really made it suck is how the Terminator was made the brunt of the jokes. (The Terminator putting on sparkly star glasses in the beginning? , 'talk to the hand' etc).

Terminator 3 was a travesty primarily due to the incredibly lame and cheesy jokes, it wasn't even funny cheese like you get from the oldskool Arnie one-liners in Commando etc, it was just utter, utter turd. It's the most recent terminator film I've seen and yet it is largely unmemorable, I can remember much more of what happens in T1/T2.

Of course, I'll still watch T4 because hey, it's a terminator film. And in all likelihood it should have better plot and action sequences than T3.

Personally I think Terminator2 is possibly the best action movie ever. Die Hard comes close but it doesn't quite have the same scope, nor the same emotional impact. Scenes like the bike/truck chase and the assault on Cyberdyne Systems are as good as you will find and the whole thing ties together nicely.
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