TERRIBLE performance problems

12 Jan 2003
York (+Lboro +New Malden)
Hey guys, I could really use some help here!

Basically since I've got this system (3800+ X2, 1800XT, 1gb ram) I have had one MAJOR problem. It takes AGES for maps to load in most games (ie BF2 and Q4). In bf2 once it had loaded its really choppy for about 5 mins then is totally fine, and in quake4 doesn't even do 1 frame every 5 seconds for a while then its fine for a certain area, then you turn around and off it goes again. The hard drive is always going full pelt throughout this both my last hd and this new one (7200.10) - but it MUST hd related?

You thoughts?
Have you defragged your hard drive recently.

I dunno about Quake IV as that game ran fine when I had a gig of RAM. Battlefield 2 did stutter for me with 1 gig of RAM on my 6600gt at max settings but with 2gigs of RAM which I have now it runs perfectly.

Strange problem, doesn't sound like a driver issue
Have you installed chipset drivers (and/or IDE/sata drivers)?
Try downloading HDTach and run a disk benchmark, you'll be able to see if there is an obvious problem regarding HDD read/write speed.
Sounds very much like you are running out of memory - the hd thrashing is almost certainly due to this causing paging. Try bringing up the performance tab in taskmanager after playing, and seeing what your peak commit charge is. If it's more than 1gig then you either need to get more memory (1.5gig or more is desirable for BF2) or failing that reduce the amount of memory you are using:

-Disable any unneccessary services using services.msc
-Remove any unneccesary items from the startup tab of msconfig
-Close ALL programs before running the games, i.e. firewall, antivirus, IRC, webbrowser, ICQ, MSN, download managers, AIM, email client.... basically make sure your taskbar and systray is completely empty.
-Reduce the settings you are using in game. In particular pay attention to the textures setting. With only 1gig RAM I certainly wouldn't recommend setting this higher than medium in BF2 for example.
I have 1gb ram and I also get severe stuttering and pausing in BF2 but only for the first 5-10 seconds on each map, certainly not 5 mins! If it were stuttering for that long I'd be really worried and judging by the hd thrashing I'd be looking at the chipset drivers or even the hd itself. Try reinstalling both the graphics drivers and chipset drivers.

Otherwise I'd do a general cleanup, i.e. virus/spyware checks then remove as many startup processes as possible; you should be aiming for less than 20 processes and about 800mb free ram. Also google for some BF2 lag reducing tweaks, especially the one where you disable the intro/menu movies cos that helps quite a bit on my system. For Quake4, don't run in Ultra Quality mode! I get downright ridiculous stuttering/freezing in UQ. :eek:
Quake4 runs like a dog unless you have 1.5-2GB Ram.

FPS is very smooth with 2GB as it no longer needs the pagefile as much.

Strangely enough even on the lowest gfx + sound settings its still choppy with 1GB!
Is it just me who sniffs a dual core bug here?

AFAIK Dual core + BF2 = a no go area. Try setting the affinity to one core.
Hmmm, isnt X2 3800+ two cores at 1.8Ghz with 512KB L2 cache, and BF2 is using only one core and that would be like playing it on a 3000+. Correct me if Im wrong.

Results from HD Tach. Anything wrong with them?
CSGAS said:
Results from HD Tach. Anything wrong with them?
No, they are fine, the HD speed isn't the problem, the paging might cause it.

Do the tweaks Hangtime suggested and test again to see it that helps.
x2 3800 is 2.0ghz at stock. BF2 does give problems with two cores, as said above set the affinity to justone core.

For Quake4 have u installed the latest patch 1.2? this enables dual core performance tweaks and improves framerates a hell of a lot i found.
No I'll install the 1.2 now...

On stock install (1.0) I just put the Quality down to High and it runs as smoothly as a babies bum. which is odd considering I ran the demo at ultra....

oh well... i'll patch it and try ultra again.
CSGAS said:
On stock install (1.0) I just put the Quality down to High and it runs as smoothly as a babies bum. which is odd considering I ran the demo at ultra....
I doubt the demo has Ultra textures, maybe if you select Ultra in the demo it still defaults to High :confused:

By the way, is your X1800XT 256 or 512meg? If it's 256meg, then I'd bet my house on your problems being at least somewhat down to lack of RAM caused by textures being set too high.

Have you checked the peak commit charge after playing BF2 yet?
It's because you only have 1Gb ram. Max settings on modern games needs 2Gb. Thats it. That's the only problem. Upgrade to 2Gb & you will be fine!
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