Test Drive DEMO

I think I'll stick to PGR3, as someone stated above, the graphics are nothing special, the character model in particular is fairly basic, which is ashame because you can only see his hands on the wheel 99% of the time and they look poor, hopefully gloves will be available on the full version. The motion blur is kind of cheap, I think PGR3 again got it spot on, seems a bit over done here. Graphically project gotham is better, and in my opinion its more fun to play because you can go a lot faster.
True, I wonder why they released the demo so early? Was it just an agreement by Microsoft to try and get the average Joe 'involved' in E3? Also, its the same for lost planet demo, which is out tomorrow!
slambo69 said:
True, I wonder why they released the demo so early? Was it just an agreement by Microsoft to try and get the average Joe 'involved' in E3? Also, its the same for lost planet demo, which is out tomorrow!

Who knows, looking fwd to Lost Planet though :D

My Test Drive Demo keeps cutting out at 68% and restarting back at 60...and repeat
Just had a go and i'm very impressed......Handles well, great sense of speed and it looks great......Lost control at one point, flew off a hill and accross about 2 other road junctions sideways :eek: :D
Just had 2 goes on it, Lambo first which was awesome. Spent a minute on the road then the next 10mins off road looking for jumps and seeing how fast I could go down this big hill without hitting a tree :) quite a good sense of speed. handling needs work but apart from that it isnt to bad. The Selby GT500 sucks! could hardly make it up the hills and was pretty slow.

Not bad for a very early tester.
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