Test Drive Unlimited Demo Available During E3

15 Nov 2002
Test Drive Unlimited, will be made available to users of the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, via the Xbox Live® Marketplace. The demo will be available to download from 8 May until 14 May 2006 as part of Microsoft’s plans to bring gamers closer to the E3 experience and offer of free Xbox Live Gold membership for the week.


coolio. :)

My 360 just got collected and I'll lay money on not getting it back till after the 14th /cry

Why can't they just leave the demos up after the 14th? :(
I didn't like it that much, found the cars weren't responsive enough for my tastes. I admit though I only put about 5 mins into it, so maybe I need to give it more of a go. The premise behind it (a racing MMO game) is excellent, I think it just needs better controls and more responsive cars.
scoopex said:
Test Drive Unlimited, will be made available to users of the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, via the Xbox Live® Marketplace. The demo will be available to download from 8 May until 14 May 2006 as part of Microsoft’s plans to bring gamers closer to the E3 experience and offer of free Xbox Live Gold membership for the week.


coolio. :)

I could kiss you in a manly way!!

i Have just gotten back off of holiday and saw this thread, nearly cried when i thought i had miss the cut off date. but its still being hosted.

Downloading now!!! raaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Cheers dude.
Datamonkey said:
cheers bingham67,

was downloading motogp till i saw this lol.

whats lost planet like?

shame they take so long to download, i have 10mb ntl connection ffs an it feels like 56k when i comes to live downloads

It was slow for me last night, it was like lightning at 3am this morning though!!
I downloaded the demo late Sunday eveing. Played it this afternoon, it tried to connect to a server at startup, failed with an error message then let me continue in offline mode. Was online play available during during E3?

Datamonkey, downloads seem to take ages for me too on an NTL 10Mb link too. But downloads were fast on Sunday night, got 3 in less than 30 mins. TDU, MotoGP and something else.
have they fixed the game crashes? cause i dont want to break my 360 , it kept crashing my system before and i heard a lot of others complaining of this... :confused:

and why the hell does it say that in my signiture? my Sig is exactly the same as many others have got, a 360 tag link? its only 1/2 lines in depth? can anyone explain lol :p
Booner! said:
have they fixed the game crashes? cause i dont want to break my 360 , it kept crashing my system before and i heard a lot of others complaining of this... :confused:

You wont break your 360 :p

Its the game code thats unstable, not a hardware issue.
It was only crashing on Multiplayer on offline i have had an occasional crash though pretty rare. :)

Edit: I say crashes but its not that dramatic just screen freezes and got to reset.
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