well, saturday was my last cigarette (hopefully) so naturally, i'm gagging for food ALL THE LIVE-LONG DAY, and it's really getting on my nerves. i tried having fruit gums to suck but that just made me actually hungry. later i will be trying werther's originals, to see if that works...but seeing as the vender doesnt do them, i'm testing my willpower with Walker's Max Paprika (best crisps ever, dont even argue, n00b)
they are currently sat in front of me, and will be until 4pm when im allowed to eat them. dont ask why, just thought it'd be interesting to see if i can do it.
all you successful quitters, is there a decent way to curb your appetite? i've heard chewing gum is supposed to work, but that always makes me hungry!! i definitely dont want to be putting on weight from quitting (again)
they are currently sat in front of me, and will be until 4pm when im allowed to eat them. dont ask why, just thought it'd be interesting to see if i can do it.
all you successful quitters, is there a decent way to curb your appetite? i've heard chewing gum is supposed to work, but that always makes me hungry!! i definitely dont want to be putting on weight from quitting (again)