Testing my will power

hyper_piper45 said:
You should embrace your new found a appetite! Get down the gym and then eat all day, not rubbish, good wholesome protein filled food and get stacked for summer!

that'd be all well and good if i could afford the gym, and had the time to go there. i'd love to go back, i just cant
Its not like you're fat though.

Or, at least, I don't recall thinking 'christ this guy is FAT'. It was more, 'Whoa this guy is PHAT!'
Brynn said:
Get VIRII to come in here, and make sure you stick to your quitting ways.

you forget that Charlotte is a Radiotherapy student. i've got pictures of lung,throat,larynx,mouth cancer coming out of my eye sockets. the cigarettes arent a problem, it's the eating!

Gilly said:
Its not like you're fat though.

Or, at least, I don't recall thinking 'christ this guy is FAT'. It was more, 'Whoa this guy is PHAT!'

thanks mate :) i think my problem is i used to be pretty fat, and lost a few stone, and now i'm really paranoid im going to put it back on. it fluctuates like crazy and i want to be able to control it. plus, snacking ftl
Gilly said:
Smints do too. They have a laxative effect in large quantities.

They'd be ideal to curb the appetite and lose wait at the same time :eek:

Plus, you (the OP) will have wonderful minty-fresh breath instead of honky smoky breath.
Borris said:
It's the phenylalanine.

You find it in the cheaper soft drinks too (like Panda lemonade).
Nope it's the Sorbitol.

Edit phenylalanine is one half of the sweetner Aspartame
fatiain said:
Nope it's the Sorbitol.
I stand corrected :)

[Edit] Sneaky . . .

Sorbitol has laxative effect by irritating the bowel, phenyelylelehlene by osmosis. Apparently.
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