Tests booked.....Any advice?

18 Nov 2011
Right then, Got my Mod 1 and Mod 2 booked now... (Wed 4th and Sat 14th respectively)

Anyone got any advice on what I am likely to come up against or things that might catch me out on either of these?
Independent riding...

Don't worry if you take a wrong turn just find a way to the area you were asked to head towards.

see Iv'e heard there's an independent riding part and they will ask me to go somewhere..... well the area I'm taking my test is a good 20 mile away from where I have been learning....How is that going to work?

I was told by a mate of mine who instructs that they will shout at you on purpose "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" simply to put more pressure on you to see how you take it. So if you feel as though you are making their life hell. You are not, they are actually trying to make you a better rider!

I kinda guessed that they would have just stopped the test if I was that bad lol

Mod 1 is the toughest and even that isn't TBH, just the U Turn, one foot down and you're toast. Plus, don't forget, technically it's THREE U Turns as you have to get ready for hazard avoidance and the emergency stop... they WILL fail you for touching ground on any of the three. however you don't have to do the 2nd and 3rd turns in the white lines, you have loads of room so, use it...

Mod 2, is straight forward, just always life saver, keep to the right on right hand turns, left on left hand turns so there's not enough room for other bikers to slip in... indicate and try and turn them off... can't think of anything else, just stay calm.

What so you get to take the uturns multiple times or is it a flat foot down instant fail of the entire test?
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Cool thanks guys, Got 8 more hours riding before my mod 1 and then another 8-10 before my mod 2 so should hopefully nail this :)

Cheers for the advice
How much previous bike experience do you have already?

Very little if any that you can call experience

20 hours riding and you should pass with flying colours!

Do you drive a car?

I did 10 hours lessons then DAS which was around another 10 hours and flew through my tests and thats with no road experience :)

been driving a car for just over 7 years with no issues and no accidents.
Well just passed my Mod 1 with 2 minors, Went through the speed trap for the swerve at 48kmph so I got a minor and a pass for it as it was within the tolerance and then got a minor for a in proper observation when doing the u turn, I didn't fully check to the right but he said I did the U turn fast enough that I wouldn't have had to check properly but it was still a minor, I thought I turned and checked but there we go. Mod 2 a week on sat :)
Thanks for that Rossi lol

Yeah The comms I've had with my instructor have been good so far so if they are **** with the instructor ill be sure to just pull over and tell them immediately, not failing due to that...a tad nervous about the independent ride though
Just had my Mod 2 and passed :) 2 Minors... both on the way back to the centre, 1 for following a car off a round about at about 1.5 seconds instead of 4 (it was wettish conditions) and 1 for doing 32 in a 60 after a round about. If there was any traffic Id have failed for the second one :(
thats an expensive SV!!!!

i wouldnt bother with dealers for them, get on svforums and see whats on there.

I saw those, I got him to knock £200 off due to some superficial damage on the fairings that should be cheap enough to sort out. Reason I went for it in the end was because of the history, big wallet of all old MOTs and services. It had a big service 200 miles ago that changed tyres, chains sprockets etc

Also looking around there arent that many SV's on Autotrader for less than £1700 that seem to be worth buying (high mileage etc)
Well SV is going back this weekend for them to clean out all the carb's and to have the fairing plastic welded around the inside of the left indicator as the indicator keeps falling out due to it being cracked (well I hope that's what it is) if those don't solve the issues Ill have my money back and go get another somewhere else.
Having issues with the bike and as per usual the dealer is being an ass (pretty much the way I got spoken too and him assuming I was just trying to con him)...... sigh....already got to take it back and he wants to get it fixed or examined before will consider giving me a refund.

Basically I went in last Saturday to look at the bike and was obvious it had been dropped by the previous owner as fairings on the left side were scuffed... Only superficial damage so didnt care as was likely to drop it myself at some point. Started the bike up and it backfired, guy assured me it was because it had been sat and probably had a bit of a dodgy fuel in the lines or they weren't being fully burnt off but a good run would clear it out. Took it out for a test drive and it seemed out, backfired a tiny bit but that didnt concern me due to what he had said. I looked over the bike as best as a complete rookie and with a pretty untrained eye and decided i'd take the bike, filled it up and had a steady drive home (around 100 mile) as it was my first time riding it and it was my first time properly on a motorway...where I filled it up again ready for work Monday... Queue monday morning, Bike was a bit crappy to start and felt like it was bogging down a bit, backfired still when slowing down and when at highish revs and on top of that the left indicator fell off when hitting about 70mph and a nice gust of wind hit me.... pulled over to sort that and it happened again, then again and then again. Examined the fairing a bit more closely and noticed that where the indicator connects the fairing was cracked on the inside and was coming away meaning I couldnt actually put the indicator in properly and this STILL keeps falling out. On top of that I am unable to get the tax disc holder off due the screws being rusted solid, and on top of that its where the chain guard is meaning that if it needs any work doing those screws have to be drilled off meaning more expense.

I called him regarding this and requesting a refund at which point I pretty much got told to go away, bring the bike in and HE will get it sorted and fixed but no refund unless he decides its financially beneficial for him. Spoken to CAB who have advised me that I pretty much am entitled to the goods and can refuse the bike on the fact the quality of goods is not up to standard and that acceptance hasnt taken place. I told him this again today at which point he said that he would expect a letter from my solicitor and made it known that it would be dragged out as much as possible without actually saying as much..... He wants the bike back this Saturday but will not be able to get it looked at till Monday due to no mechanics working on a Saturday (strange as ive always had my work done on Saturdays due to HAVING A JOB!!!!) but basically said because I wanted the bike on the day there's not a lot he can do as I didn't give him chance to inspect the bike and went on the fact it had a MOT (never mentioned a lack of inspection to me when I was there). This means that I am now not likely to get a refund, get work done I don't want, be unhappy with the bike and have to cough up the best part of £30 a day for 2/3 days just to get to work..... SIGH!!!!!
It was superficial surface damage on the fairings I saw, not cracks and things coming away. I know the screws are a negligible thing I know but feel they should be sorted.

I have a few vids of the backfiring and it is constant whenever slowing down, idle or speeding up and it seems to bog down when idle and when pulling away at times.

I have also noticed a ticking/clicking noise coming from the front wheel and the brakedisk appears to be catching constantly as well which I do not remember happening before.... I may just be looking for things now but still.... I do not expect these kinds of things from a bike that has supposedly passed an MOT 5 days before I purchased it and had a full service 200 miles before.
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Just to clarify I never mentioned the CAB thing too him and asked him what my options would be in terms of a refund if I requested one, Never once demanded it or anything. The moment I asked about a refund he started saying he had the right to repair it etc etc etc to which i said I have been informed otherwise but I am happy for it to be looked at, at which point he got all shirty and started saying that he would expect a letter from my solicitor if I wanted to go that route.

I was more than happy to get the bike looked at myself yet he has demanded he do it with his mechanics. I was more than fair and reasonable with the dealer and never once mentioned CAB. I still haven't and will not unless it becomes difficult to get a refund and I feel I am getting no where. I know exactly how I would feel if someone came barging in stating that they know there rights and demand this and demand that. It may not have come across from before but I have been more than fair with the dealer considering. One thing I will be doing is giving him a letter tomorrow stating that I am happy for the bike to be looked at and inspected by his mechanics but I do not want any work done without my consent and I will want a full invoice for all work carried out... for my own security and peace of mind AND so I have proof when I come to sell it (CAB asked me to do this) but the letter will also state that If I feel it is too much that I do reserve the right to reject the bike based on the intial Ad and that its essentially not what I paid for. I'm not likely to actually reject it as in all honesty I just want my bike working so I can enjoy it and not worry.

It has a standard can on the bike yes, The dealer has said the exact same thing with regards to the can which is another thing he is getting checked out. The indicator I have bodged for the moment until its sorted and I am not too fussed with just like the scratches and other things on the bike. Its my first bike so cosmetics mean naff all to me... I just want it functional.

I know I can drill the screws out but I only moved into a house with my girlfriend 2 weeks ago so at the moment have VERY basic tools so do not have the ability to do that myself. I am looking into tool kits and things so I can get on with doing this but and those niggles are a minor thing for me. My big concern are things like the ticking coming from the front wheel and its catching a brake disc as it turns (might be minor as well but anyone who says any strange noise coming from vehicle they have just bought doesn't concern them either knows a lot about these things or doesn't care) and the back firing. Even the dealer stated he is slightly concerned at the backfiring still and maybe a bigger issue than he originally thought. As I said fair play to him for wanting to cover the costs of the repairs its just annoying and frustrating as he tried to palm the blame for this off on me for not giving him a chance to inspect his bike in his show room before he sold it.
Didn't notice the crack no as the crack is actually on the inside of the fairing. As I've already said I've been friendly and amicable throughout the entire process as being an arse tends to get you no where.

I had a quick look over the tyre's and couldn't see any defects or things stuck in it but it was a very quick look this morning. Dealers have the right to INSPECT the bike but not to get the issues fixed UNLESS you agree to it (which i find a tad bizarre as you could be a real awkward git and refuse to let them fix it causing a stalemate).

I did the inspection as best as I could but not knowing ANYTHING and having no one but my girlfriend who knows even less than myself with me I'll admit I don't know what I was looking at most of the time. I even admitted too him it was my first bike and had only passed my test that morning and he suggested that SV out of the 3 he had due to the service and work done to it only 200 miles ago. He is also lying about not having time/chance to do an inspection as we left the bike with him for over an hour while he got a crack on it plastic welded yet did not check it then. I havent mentioned that too him but there we go.

Dealer is Budget Bikes in Swindon and he has agreed to pay for the engine and gearbox things as they have a 3 month warranty of those parts, He is getting the fairing plastic welded which should fix that (in all honesty I'm not fussed about the look of the bike as its my first one and im GOING to drop it at some point) What does concern me is what else may come up in the immediate future. He has said if I make a list he will get all the things looked at if its reasonable so he is being accommodating already, he just got very shirty when I mentioned my options on a refund.
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Yeah they got it MOT'd 5 days prior to me picking it up so the dealer said he was surprised anything was going on with it. Ill be taking it in for someone to look at AFTER he has done the work. Ill give them the list of things that it has supposedly had done and get them to check it. The service was done a year ago and it has only done 200 mile in that time, Ill be getting my own service on it done once all this **** has been sorted. It was actually booked in for a carb clean and a service for this weekend but the dealer insisted £300 for both of those combined was too much and he can get it done cheaper so he wants his guys to look at it.

I'm quite anxious about it being road safe as i'm doing 76 mile a day on it to and from work (Dunstable to London)
Aye ill be getting it serviced by a garage soon and then myself next year... just buying all the tools. bobbins and stands over the next few months to learn how to do all this myself. will be better when I have a garage to do all this in as well.

Just for the advice.
Yeah but that's the problem I do not live near any of them anymore. Currently living in Houghton Regis so if anyone is near there let me know. Dropping bike back to Swindon tomorrow midday ish
Sounds to me like you didn't give it a good enough looking over / test ride before buying. Only checking the tyres after buying and someone on here mentioned it. Hope it gets sorted though.

Took it out for about 15 minutes in a town I didn't know on roads only doing 30/40 so couldnt really give it a proper run in and already stated I checked it as best as a complete novice with no experience could...anyway

Just got a phone call from him and he has said that nearly all the problems I've been having have been fixed apart from the backfiring/popping for 2 reasons #1 the bike has been mapped (or some such) to an aftermarket exhaust and he has said he has a Scorpion end can there that he can get put on the bike which should solve the issue and #2 SV650s ALWAYS pop when you shut them off due to the face they are Vtwin engines its just the nature of the beast but mine does pop more than he would expect.
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