TF2 to come HL2 EP2 !

kkelly said:
kainz if i get gimpeh and exxxie on you best belive iD will play [RA] :D
iD retired long ago matey :) Exxie's been gone AWOL on irc for ages now lol, we seem to see him every xmas for some reason :D
Noxis, the proper one not the reform mob that copied our clan and player names :(

me [RA]root them [R-A]the_ROOT :( and [RA]Gimp them [R-A]the_GIMP
DaveyD said:
It's GD stuff I'd rather not see spill into Gaming personally.

Anybody post the story? It's blocked for me at work. I'm hoping TF2 isn't a disappointment, I'm hoping it's a game that's worth a full retail price, but I fear we'll just get a DoD:S / CS:S style game, which both are worth of "Mod" titles, not full games.

From the article it doesn't sound much like TF:2 to me it sounds much more like TFC:Source.

TF:2 was supposed to be something like BattleField & BF2 and I don't see them giving that away as a freebee with Episode 2.

Still not a bad thing I always liked TFC, and if they can get effective bot play in there (as they did with CS & CS:S) it should be fun even on servers that aren't full.
Ive been waiting for TF2 for what seems like forever

Must say the screenies look lame, like they havent bothered to alter the ones they made x-years ago :(

I think it may suck, I want oldskool TFC back, especially 2fort
Some art work for you


Bigger pic at this link
Neon said:
thats not actually what the game is gonna look like there is infact a much better looking TFC for hl2 ill find it.

well thats the art work valvue released so i think that is what they intend it to look like.
Looks rubbish.

Back in the old days, TF2 looked like it was going to be similar to Operation Flashpoint, but it seems like they completely bolloxed it up :(
TFC was great! I think i played for about 3/4 different division 2 clans overall. Suicidal engineers were great! EMP > *

2fort was the best map ever! Once i worked out how to concussion grenade jump up the lift shaft i loved this map!

THe character balance was also fairly balanced, though lets just hope the pyro is either made useful or dropped, i dont think i have ever seen one used in a game apart from messing around!
Having played both TFC and CSS at a pretty high level, I don't think i've ever played a multiplayer game that involves as much skill as TFC.

People who are disapointed that it's not looking like it was originally planned (operatin flashpoint esq) don't really understand what made TFC great. It was always the unrealistic gameplay elements such as conc jumping, ramp sliding, rocket jumping etc that made the game so amazingly fun. Also when played clan style the skill was just amazing, the fact there is a clear offence/defence spilt in the classes and the skills it takes to play them just made it so damn cool! I for one am pleased to see TF2 looking like a spinky looking TFC. My only worry is that if it is rubbish and Fortress Forever kicks ass then the player base will be split between the two, which could stop FF getting big.

For those interested I played for [UZI],[TE],[Dtm],aS| and dhe][
Bah, n00bs. QWTF > TFC. ;)

My fondest online memories all come from playing QuakeWorld Team Fortress. Great community, great maps and great gameplay. Nothing took more skill than capturing the flag against a competent team on Well6. Conc jumps were amazing. :)
Personally I like the cel-shaded cartoony look. Bit surprised to see it used in something like TF2 but it's the gameplay that matters. TFC was the first online game I got into on my 56k. Was too laggy to kill anyone but I loved sneaking into the base on 2fort and nicking the flag without anyone noticing.
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