TF2 with FF on?

29 Nov 2002
Midlands. UK
When the beta first came out there were quite a few servers with FF on and i really enjoyed playing it..

(especially as it stops pyros flaming like mad) But since the game has gone retail i cant find any!

Anyone know of some good UK server that run with FF on?
FF on practically broke the game, it turned into nothing but a tkill marathon and spys had it WAAAAY too easy. A good spy's still devious enough to do a lot of damage, in servers though most people i see complaining about this just run straight at you and try to slap sappers on sentries.
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Valve took out FF for the same reason they took out greandes and bunnyhopping... So that newbs have an easier time. Im suprised they havent removed all the weapons yet in favor of big fluffy paddles.
FF did break the game in the couple of times I played with it on. My team ended up killing eachother more then the enemy. You couldn't stay behind your teammate because he'd get edgy and shoot you.
No they took it out because it became a massive TK fest - lots of the weapons have spalsh damage - shotguns, flamethrowers, grenade launcher, rocket launcher - it would just get too messay.

That said I think they need to look at Spy mechanics as it is becoming more and more difficult and frustrating to play as one.
Skill as a Spy does not enter into it when everyone just pumps a few rounds into each other to make sure they aint a spy.
Anyone not shooting all the time becomes a target - scouts just run around, putting a few close range blasts into everyone. There is absolutely nothing a spy can do to counter this, as his cloak does not last long enough.
It was ok at first, as people were still new to the game, but I think people are wising up EXTREMELY fast to Spies, and they know that with no FF on it is a simple matter of just putting a few rounds into people.
Valve need to have a think about this imo, as less and less people will play spies when they realise how insanely hard it is to score points or generally do any good
i am annoyed that there isn't an option but tbh I would only play with FF off anyway. Especially with spies. Unless you shoot em how else do you know, look at the name and tab?

also with pyros and rockets everywhere it is going to get annoying.

Also you guys are forgetting one thing.

What with cloaking and the sapper, I think TF2 has the most useful spy of the series so far. It's not perfect, but a spy can definitely cause confusion, especially in some of the more chaotic capture point games.
The only place where FF should be enabled is clan matches :/

FF on pub servers is just retarded. You pack 24 random noobs on a server with FF on and youre asking for trouble.

As for Spy's - If you know how to use your cloak then youre sorted. Its only the noob Spys that run straight toward you that seem to have trouble. People dont seem to understand how Spys work, Ive seen so many Spys disguised as HWs or Scouts who arent aware that theyre walking at the wrong speed. Other times, they come round a corner and see you and then turn around and go back the other way :/ Other times, they cloak too late and you see the little puff of smoke which is always a give away.

Last but not least, Spys are a support class. Theyre mainly there for taking down SGs and killing a few individuals to stop rushes etc. Youre not gonna have the same sheer frag output as a Soldier or HW unless your team sucks :\
NSkill as a Spy does not enter into it when everyone just pumps a few rounds into each other to make sure they aint a spy.
Anyone not shooting all the time becomes a target - scouts just run around, putting a few close range blasts into everyone.

Whilst I agree to an extent, there is a kind of 6th sense you get for spies. I'd say most of my spy kills come from looking at suspicious behaviour. I'll see someone off in the distance just doing something slightly weird, I don't even know what it is - normally running in the wrong direction I guess, but I'll run over and kill them because there's something obviously spy-like about them.

Also it is a tad obvious when a spy runs into you or they have the wrong colour teleporter trails behind them. In fact my usual spy check is to run into someone rather than shoot them. Maybe a bit suicidal but normally they won't risk revealing themselves :)
Valve took out FF for the same reason they took out greandes and bunnyhopping... So that newbs have an easier time. Im suprised they havent removed all the weapons yet in favor of big fluffy paddles.


Anyone that played on a server with ff on could tell you how retarded the gameplay was. And frankly im glad that VALVE didn't pull an "id" and just bring out the same tired old mp with better graphics.
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No they took it out because it became a massive TK fest - lots of the weapons have spalsh damage - shotguns, flamethrowers, grenade launcher, rocket launcher - it would just get too messay.

That said I think they need to look at Spy mechanics as it is becoming more and more difficult and frustrating to play as one.
Skill as a Spy does not enter into it when everyone just pumps a few rounds into each other to make sure they aint a spy.
Anyone not shooting all the time becomes a target - scouts just run around, putting a few close range blasts into everyone. There is absolutely nothing a spy can do to counter this, as his cloak does not last long enough.
It was ok at first, as people were still new to the game, but I think people are wising up EXTREMELY fast to Spies, and they know that with no FF on it is a simple matter of just putting a few rounds into people.
Valve need to have a think about this imo, as less and less people will play spies when they realise how insanely hard it is to score points or generally do any good

I detest spies with a passion, playing with, against, or as one :p

I don't think it's that easy to get a spy by shooting a disguised one - plenty of times I'll know I'm attacking a disguised spy, but my shots (pretty much always with the joke that is the sniper's secondary weapon) don't make any difference, takes loads of bloody shots for the engi/pyro/etc to turn back into a spy, and if I hadn't been certain I'd have let them run off well before then
I know how spies work, I know about getting amongst the enemy with your cloak, and only appearing when no one is looking, blending into the crowd, but people still just shoot everyone - it has become a reaction now, people just do it without even thinking.

I do find more success when disguising myself as an enemy spy however.
This is very effective - people pay no attention if they see a "friendly" spy materialising infront of them, they dont seem to suspect spies as much because they assume that a spy will have disguised as another class, and spies do not run around shooting, so it is hard to tell whether they are a spy or not by whether they are firing.
Plus thye like to slink around in dark corners.

All in all people just dont seem to expect a spy to be disguised as another spy, and so it tends to work very well
i had a few games with FF switched on during the beta and the amount of insults being hurled around due to tk's was ridiculous, it did get in the way of fun.

Ive found a few Russian servers that have a 3 sec re-spawn rate which makes for a frantic gaming session especially on say Fort2 although the rounds can last hrs
I'd have to disagree with that...whenever I see a friendly spy, it just reminds me that Spies exist and I should be shooting everyone in sight.

Haha, same here! :D

I’m happy with FF off personally. It would just be too messy with it on, and say what you will about how spies have things now, they would be overpowered with FF on!

TF2 is just that sort of game for me, its just a load of fun, I wouldn’t even think about playing CSS for example on a server with FF off, but TF2 is just a completely different sort of game.

And I don’t mind if less people play spies, sneaky things, fight like a man! :)
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