Thanks wifey

i've 'intentially' kerbed my own wheels just so i could get them repaired using the claim limit i had on my tyre/wheel insurance. I originally wanted them to repair using the diamond cut option as i literally had less than a week of the insurance remaining before it expired, with no chance to renew (BMW Package when i bought the car)

Turns out i couldn't do the diamond cut as the damage had to be done on ALL 4 wheels rather than just one or 2.

Sucks to be me.. it would be highly suspicious if i kerbed all 4 wheels and went back within a couple days to claim. (i was advised to get teh wheels DC before the insurance was up to make the most out of it)
I got quoted £120 with a loan wheel to get it repaired within a week, reasonable?
Seems a bit over the top for me, they don't look diamond cut which pushes the price up. But then I suppose you get a loan wheel so that probably increases cost a fair bit.

Urgh hate repairs like this, probably got about two months once its fixed for it to get kerbed again.

Smash all the high kerbs? if that is an option.....
All 4 wheels on both our cars are curbed to ****. I just don't see the point in caring as they'll get done again the minute I get them all refurbed. Some people just will never be spacially aware enough to not curb wheels. The only way it stops happening is to own a car only I drive. Sad but true.
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How do they do it?


Generally I try to avoid potential sexism, but in this case I will share an anecdote. Some years ago I had a girlfriend who was living in a shared house with three other young women. One evening whilst visiting my girlfriend it was me and all of them sat having a few glasses of wine. Sadly this tale does not develop into playing out a sexual fantasy. What did happen was they started talking about their car accidents and I was amazed that all of them seem to have hit multiple stationary objects, usually when trying to park. Other cars, walls, bins, lamp posts etc. None of them thought any of this was a big deal that warranted leaving their details.
Both our cars have perfectly undamaged alloy wheels, my '21 plate M235i and my partners '67 plate fiesta. She is generally better than me at avoiding the kerbs though.

Generally I try to avoid potential sexism, but in this case I will share an anecdote. Some years ago I had a girlfriend who was living in a shared house with three other young women. One evening whilst visiting my girlfriend it was me and all of them sat having a few glasses of wine. Sadly this tale does not develop into playing out a sexual fantasy.

.....and that's where I stopped reading.
I wish my wife had only done that. - She had massive Automatic accelerator instead of brake female moment - If the car had been more than the 6 months old it would have been a write off.

Too this day I am also so relieved she is back in one piece (car that is)
If people are scraping the trailing edge of the car, the car is too big for them to handle tbh.


Generally I try to avoid potential sexism, but in this case I will share an anecdote. Some years ago I had a girlfriend who was living in a shared house with three other young women. One evening whilst visiting my girlfriend it was me and all of them sat having a few glasses of wine. Sadly this tale does not develop into playing out a sexual fantasy. What did happen was they started talking about their car accidents and I was amazed that all of them seem to have hit multiple stationary objects, usually when trying to park. Other cars, walls, bins, lamp posts etc. None of them thought any of this was a big deal that warranted leaving their details.

Seen a women reverse out of a driveway and knock down part of a neighbour's garden wall. Also tried to drive away but luckily got noticed and stopped.
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Generally I try to avoid potential sexism, but in this case I will share an anecdote. Some years ago I had a girlfriend who was living in a shared house with three other young women. One evening whilst visiting my girlfriend it was me and all of them sat having a few glasses of wine. Sadly this tale does not develop into playing out a sexual fantasy. What did happen was they started talking about their car accidents and I was amazed that all of them seem to have hit multiple stationary objects, usually when trying to park. Other cars, walls, bins, lamp posts etc. None of them thought any of this was a big deal that warranted leaving their details.

I think it's a pretty well known fact that women hit more stationary objects than men, however, men have more serious, high speed accidents with major damage which is why insurance for women used to be cheaper until they banned that particular practice.

My wife hits is a terrible driver and hits on average 3-4 stationary objects per year, miraculously she generally avoids damaging other cars and normally hits posts, pillars, barriers etc. I long ago gave up repairing her cars and will never buy her anything worth decent money as I know I'd be furious when she inevitably ruins it.
I think it's a pretty well known fact that women hit more stationary objects than men, however, men have more serious, high speed accidents with major damage which is why insurance for women used to be cheaper until they banned that particular practice.

My wife hits is a terrible driver and hits on average 3-4 stationary objects per year, miraculously she generally avoids damaging other cars and normally hits posts, pillars, barriers etc. I long ago gave up repairing her cars and will never buy her anything worth decent money as I know I'd be furious when she inevitably ruins it.

My wife scraped the car door against our own brick wall around 3 times to date. Luckily they have rubbing strips so just had to buy a new one each time. We have lived here 14 years. She has been driving 15 years too. Although it did take her 4 times to pass her test.

She isn't stupid but it is just a trait of women where they just have a lack of mechanical sympathy. I have the same issue with the rear load parcel cover in our estate. I always put it back but she never does. Must be 100 times I have mentioned it.
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I'm sure I've read somewhere that there was research done and generally women have poorer special spatial awareness then men.
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